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TV/Film Extra

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  • TV/Film Extra

    Who has been an extra in a tv programme or film?

    Whilst I was serving time in HMP Barlinnie in Glasgow ITV's The Chief starring Tim Piggot Smith was filming a prison riot scene on D wing the prison had closed for filming.

    The production company asked us cons if anyone would like to be an extra in the riot. We did not need to be asked twice and as they were paying us £50 as an extra into our canteen spends account.....

    So we had us a riot but as it was only acting none of us ended up on a Governor's adjudication which we would have had it been a real riot
    Do you really believe the other side without provocation would launch so many ICBM's, subs and ships knowing that we would have no option to launch as well? It would break our MAD Treaty (Mutually Assured Destruction) not to mention the end of the world as we know it.
