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Does anyone remember T-Bag?

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  • Does anyone remember T-Bag?

    Many of you I’m sure must be children of the 1980’s (now in your twenties) and I’m sure a lot of you must have watched a programme on Children’s ITV called T-Bag, about a tea-drinking witch and her T-Caddy T-Shirt.

    Sadly though T-Bag is yet to see a DVD release (unlike some of the other great shows from our childhood) and we all want that to change. There is currently a petition on the web for the release of T-Bag onto DVD (in the UK to start with and then hopefully Australia where it was also shown), and it would be fantastic if some of you could sign it. I know anyone who watched it then would love the chance to rekindle that wonderful childhood experience that is T-Bag. The petition currently has over 1850 signatures but we are hoping for at least 2000. You can view and sign the petition here:

    If you have vague memories of T-Bag and want to dust off these faded memories you can find out more about the show at my T-Bag website, The High-T Website.

    The website is an ever-expanding tribute to T-Bag, there were many updates to the website for the 21st Anniversary of T-Bag being broadcast in the UK back in April. Check out the website for everything you wanted to know about T-Bag (and a load more besides).

    If you want to talk about T-Bag and discuss the programme (and everything related to the programme) with fellow fans you can do so at The T-Bag Forum. You can find the forum here.

    I hope many of you remember the show with the fondness I and many others do. Hopefully I’ve reminded you of one of your childhood programmes you may have forgotten.

  • #2
    I remeber her i think, or am i getting her confused with Grottbags?


    • #3
      I remember this show and, while initially enjoyable, I thought it grew rather tiresome as EVERY single series (bar the final one) had exactly the same plot and can be summed up thus:

      T-Bag siezes control of some fanstasy kingdom or other, scatters a load of trinkets to the far corners of it which the hero then has to find. Towards the later part of each series, T-Bag's minion - T-Shirt - betrays T-Bag and joins the hero (I can't remember her name). The magic items are all found and T-Bag is defeated in the same way as the last series (you'd think she'd learn to just destroy the wretched trinkets). The End.

      As I say, only so much mileage to be wrung out of the same plot over and over again.

      Having said that, it would be nice to see it again!
      Last edited by poster342002; 04-12-2006, 12:26.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Oggy
        I remeber her i think, or am i getting her confused with Grottbags?

        That's what I was thinking of too


        • #5
          Oh no - this show used to bug the living cr*p out of me. Same thing week in, week out. Even the costumes used to annoy me. And I could quite happily have slapped that T-Shirt kid until my hand fell off.

          Last edited by SG1973; 06-12-2006, 14:44.


          • #6
            [IMG] alIJNY2HSU2Y!CdMwkTH9jh81sWFIShxFRkte3PFraa2G*V/title.jpg?dc=4675555144615804510[/IMG]
            Vaguely recall it, now mainly as Elizabeth Estensen, now in Emmerdale was in it.


            • #7
              Vaguely recall it, now mainly as Elizabeth Estensen, now in Emmerdale was in it.


              • #8
                Originally posted by High-T
                Many of you I’m sure must be children of the 1980’s (now in your twenties) and I’m sure a lot of you must have watched a programme on Children’s ITV called T-Bag, about a tea-drinking witch and her T-Caddy T-Shirt.

                Sadly though T-Bag is yet to see a DVD release (unlike some of the other great shows from our childhood) and we all want that to change. There is currently a petition on the web for the release of T-Bag onto DVD (in the UK to start with and then hopefully Australia where it was also shown), and it would be fantastic if some of you could sign it. I know anyone who watched it then would love the chance to rekindle that wonderful childhood experience that is T-Bag. The petition currently has over 1850 signatures but we are hoping for at least 2000. You can view and sign the petition here:

                If you have vague memories of T-Bag and want to dust off these faded memories you can find out more about the show at my T-Bag website, The High-T Website.

                The website is an ever-expanding tribute to T-Bag, there were many updates to the website for the 21st Anniversary of T-Bag being broadcast in the UK back in April. Check out the website for everything you wanted to know about T-Bag (and a load more besides).

                If you want to talk about T-Bag and discuss the programme (and everything related to the programme) with fellow fans you can do so at The T-Bag Forum. You can find the forum here.

                I hope many of you remember the show with the fondness I and many others do. Hopefully I’ve reminded you of one of your childhood programmes you may have forgotten.
                Great idea to post a thread regarding T-Bag on here Jamie.


                • #9
                  Yep sure is, i think.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SG1973
                    Oh no - this show used to bug the living cr*p out of me. Same thing week in, week out.
                    Same thing week in, week out? Same thing series in, series out!

                    "Formulaic" does not begin to describe this programme!


                    • #11
                      Boring, would that describe it?


                      • #12
                        I did enjoy it at the time, but just found myself wishing they'd use a different plot!

                        The final series, I believe, did have a different storyline and involved T-Bag and pals travelling around in a spaceship, I think.

                        Small piece of trivia: the first series of T-Bag was called Wonders In Letterland rather than "T-Bag...".

