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Grange hill

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  • silverbirch
    Re: Grange hill

    could be that of all the Grange Hill pupils Pats Palmer has gone on to be
    the most successful of them all ....

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  • 80sChav
    Re: Grange hill

    Originally posted by JimCarver79 View Post
    I saw Arran Bell once as an employee of The Firm in EastEnders back in '88. Didn't look at all intimidating or scary. Not like Ziggy Byfield or the guy who played Dolly's husband in Widows.

    If they bring back GH, good for them.
    I bet he was good though!

    I had heard somewhere - he is the son of Arran Bell snr - who is a Director of Programmes or something similar

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  • 80sChav
    Re: Grange hill

    Originally posted by George 1978 View Post
    I have always wondered what Grange Hill would be like in 2020 if the series was still on TV screens - would the school have a different headteacher? - who would the main pupils be? - would it be an academy and would have a different name by now?

    I would guess that with the last question, it would have changed like that by now.
    It would be like Waterloo Rd I'd imagine George, and it'd be rough etc like WR and like most Schools (I[d imagine are) these days!)

    I just hope they 'd never have gone down a Polo Shirt/Sweater uniform and abolishing the Blazer/tie - or worse than Polos/Sweaters, Clip-On TIES!


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  • George 1978
    Re: Grange hill

    I have always wondered what Grange Hill would be like in 2020 if the series was still on TV screens - would the school have a different headteacher? - who would the main pupils be? - would it be an academy and would have a different name by now?

    I would guess that with the last question, it would have changed like that by now.

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  • 80sChav
    Re: Grange hill

    Originally posted by darren View Post
    Oh i see

    storylines could be interesting suck as the dangers and advantages of social media which i think he mentioned in the interview.
    If New Series are'nt going to happen, Darren - I still think (or hope) the best that Phil could offer us, what actually happened between 2002 and 2003 (S25 and S26). So many people want answers to the supposed 60 what died and characters like our beloved Mr Jeff Hankin who probably had an even bigger nervous breakdown than the one Kieron "Ozzie" Osbourne caused him to have a year before

    As well there is Deverill (Wilcox), it has to be said he must easily have been up on Mass Manslaughter Charges as well as Child Abuse Charges in both this Job and at Congreave Hall and faking I.D to use Wilcox's name

    I have wanted to know this out-come for too long and it is even said in S26, he was probably doing Prison-Time - so part of the plot isallready in existance and just needs a bit more re-jigging storyline-wise and even if it was set now in 2020, voices could be used for the Kids who bore witness to the the Fire - if not faces to make it seem it was still in 2002/2003

    Nearly 20 years has gone by and as much as Phil wanted a change and arguably extended Grange Hill's life 6 Years, closure really really is needed (as I don't know if I can bare - never knowing the true outcome) which was arguably brought on by sketchy storyline writting about prior events of S25 after the move, regardless of the move

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  • George 1978
    Re: Grange hill

    Originally posted by 80sChav View Post
    If Grange Hill is to come back - now is the time I think as Phil has the "Zammo idea" and as long as it's set in London like before why not!!?

    Like somebody said ( or rather what I read elswhere) "school's will always exist, so we need school type programes andit is the same with the Police etc - now we have no The Bill, but we need shows like that not CSI Investigates etc ... let this Grange Hill chance go now and the chance is wrecked forever I think (and only 11 Years aftit ended - nearly)

    All of us who love it as fans Imho should get behind Phil's Ideas - so the BBC CAN not tirn it down!!

    As well as his thoughts on knife crime etc - we could ve even pick up where we left off in Series 25 (not literally) but "scrap" the Liverpool years and call it a spin-off, as even 17 years back we had Cyber Bullying, Knife Crime in 1998 Series, so if Phil's as serious as he is and as influential it's o a true-true winner I say!

    Quite a few good points made - schools will always exist, but I have always said that there is a lot more education going on outside a school then inside one. Remember that we had police dramas before The Bill started - The Sweeney; Dixon of Dock Green, Z Cars, etc. Casualty and Holby City represents hospitals, etc. Grange Hill is closer to the focus of schools than a series like Please Sir! would be.

    Obviously knife crime is a delicate subject for a programme shown not only before the watershed but in children's hour as GH was - the mainstream soap operas have shown knife attacks even if they are before the watershed - a Brian Tilsley-alike stabbing would be too graphic for a post-Newsround slot. It does happens as we know from the news, and it happened in my own area before I moved to where I am now.

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  • JimCarver79
    Re: Grange hill

    I saw Arran Bell once as an employee of The Firm in EastEnders back in '88. Didn't look at all intimidating or scary. Not like Ziggy Byfield or the guy who played Dolly's husband in Widows.

    If they bring back GH, good for them.

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  • 80sChav
    Re: Grange hill

    Originally posted by darren View Post
    Oh i see

    storylines could be interesting suck as the dangers and advantages of social media which i think he mentioned in the interview.
    The British Isles needs it I think Daarren, like in the 70s all kids knew about School was soft imaginary shows like Billy The Kid etc, if it was dune as so it'd take TV back full swing to before reality TV began and how programmes did educate kids and youth etc like GH and The Bill even too!

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  • darren
    Re: Grange hill

    Oh i see

    storylines could be interesting suck as the dangers and advantages of social media which i think he mentioned in the interview.

    Originally posted by 80schav View Post
    nit is just a question of getting the bbc on-board i think daren, but so far they are'nt interested - humours knows why though lol

    as for me regardless of grange hill - phil is a very inflential man in tv circles, he created brrookside .... C4's first ever soap and years before easteenders at that, then saved emmerdale when the old writers knew it could'nt be just "emmerdalle farm" no longer and hollyaks will be 25 in 2020 too!

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  • 80sChav
    Re: Grange hill

    If Grange Hill is to come back - now is the time I think as Phil has the "Zammo idea" and as long as it's set in London like before why not!!?

    Like somebody said ( or rather what I read elswhere) "school's will always exist, so we need school type programes andit is the same with the Police etc - now we have no The Bill, but we need shows like that not CSI Investigates etc ... let this Grange Hill chance go now and the chance is wrecked forever I think (and only 11 Years aftit ended - nearly)

    All of us who love it as fans Imho should get behind Phil's Ideas - so the BBC CAN not tirn it down!!

    As well as his thoughts on knife crime etc - we could ve even pick up where we left off in Series 25 (not literally) but "scrap" the Liverpool years and call it a spin-off, as even 17 years back we had Cyber Bullying, Knife Crime in 1998 Series, so if Phil's as serious as he is and as influential it's o a true-true winner I say!


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  • 80sChav
    Re: Grange hill

    Originally posted by darren View Post
    I listened to phils interview on radio 5 live and he said that were no definite plans to bring it back altho he did say a few more dvd series releases.
    nIt is just a question of getting the BBC on-board I think Daren, but so far they are'nt interested - humours knows why though lol

    As for me regardless of Grange Hill - Phil is a very inflential man in TV Circles, he created Brrookside .... C4's first ever soap and years before EasteEnders at that, then saved Emmerdale when the old writers knew it could'nt be just "Emmerdalle Farm" no longer and Hollyaks will be 25 in 2020 too!
    Last edited by 80sChav; 16-11-2019, 23:04.

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  • darren
    Re: Grange hill

    I listened to phils interview on radio 5 live and he said that were no definite plans to bring it back altho he did say a few more dvd series releases.

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  • 80sChav
    Re: Grange hill

    So after a fantastic week of news - put simply can Phil redmond do"Mission Impossible" and bring GrangeHill back to our screens as has been so widly mentioned in the news! I hope so - I really do, I am loving the zammo idea as well. What a twist that would be!

    In other GH related news, in this week's Inside Soap one of their competitions is to win Series 7 and 8's DVD's - which are obviously due for release in general as a follow on to Series 5 and 6 last year(which co-incidentley I never knewof until the other day)

    If it was possible I would love to make a seperate thread on here (if heather, HG, Big Daddy allowed it) so then the more that looked and with may-be a petition added to it - that this may-be help the BBC change their so far "nilch stance" on a return!

    Thanks in advance


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  • George 1978
    Re: Grange hill

    I know that Baxter was a Geoff, and I am certain that I saw on the IMDB that Hankin was a Geoff as well - in Britain, the G spelling seems to be more common than the J spelling.

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  • 80sChav
    Re: Grange hill

    Originally posted by George 1978 View Post
    Geoff Hankin (I think it was spelt with a G) was in GH for 13 series as I think he was there between 1990 and 2002 - the series before Robson left.

    I have to admit that Hankin reminded me of a Science teacher at my school - he was a little bit eccentric which meant that I enjoyed his lessons even more.
    Hya George,

    I can not recall it ever been seen or said Mr Hankin was a Geoff with a "G", I personally always imagined him to be a "J" Jeff or so I'd hoped - just I guess/thought that the "J" suited him more/better, like some Stephens with a "P" or "H2, but each to his/her own thoughts/opinions if it was never clarified I say!!

    Talking about Mr Hankin, as has been said previous - I wonder who did survive the 2002 Fire 9or reading between the lines) anyway and what Grange Hill may have become if there had been one more or more Series' in London after 2002 as opposed to "Liverpool"!?


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