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American/Canadian children's sci-fi TV show shown in UK

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  • American/Canadian children's sci-fi TV show shown in UK

    I hardy remember anything so this will be hard! But I think it was an American/Canadian children's sci-fi TV show, probably shown early 80s,I think on ITV that was futuristic, and had people with devices, like crystals, or they were looking for crystals that maybe were lasers, and they were in an ice cave. I think there were only a few episodes, and I missed some. I might have watched it over the holidays. Oh and they might have been human looking aliens! Any ideas?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Tim View Post
    I hardy remember anything so this will be hard! But I think it was an American/Canadian children's sci-fi TV show, probably shown early 80s,I think on ITV that was futuristic, and had people with devices, like crystals, or they were looking for crystals that maybe were lasers, and they were in an ice cave. I think there were only a few episodes, and I missed some. I might have watched it over the holidays. Oh and they might have been human looking aliens! Any ideas?
    Hi Tim,

    It’s really annoying when there’s something locked in your memory, and very vague.

    The first thing I thought of was “Through The Dragons Eye”. It was shown as a segment on Words and Pictures.

    The “crystals” you mention… were they yellow and glowing? The “human looking aliens” you mention… were there three of them, all with different colours? And was there a dragon and a cave? If so, it was Through The Dragons Eye


    • #3
      Long shot because it's early '70's but the childrens ITV programme TIMESLIP featured episodes filmed
      in an ice cave (wobbly Dr. Who type studio set). These episodes were set in the future: 1990 to be exact.


      • #4
        Long shot because it's early '70's but the childrens ITV programme TIMESLIP featured episodes filmed
        in an ice cave (wobbly Dr. Who type studio set). These episodes were set in the future: 1990 to be exact.

