This was some weekly drama in very early seventies. Lots of police dressed a bit 'SS' ish marching about and keeping the population cowed.
It was never on at my house so don't think parents liked it , when I went to mates it was sometimes on there but I only ever saw a minute or two while waiting for him and making polite small talk with pals parents ( didn't that always make you shudder ! )
I remember the police state had a flag with a big letter G in middle, can't remember much else about it as so long ago
Anyone ?
It was never on at my house so don't think parents liked it , when I went to mates it was sometimes on there but I only ever saw a minute or two while waiting for him and making polite small talk with pals parents ( didn't that always make you shudder ! )
I remember the police state had a flag with a big letter G in middle, can't remember much else about it as so long ago
Anyone ?