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Kids 'Space' Programme from late 70's

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  • Kids 'Space' Programme from late 70's

    Pleae help...... I've just been reading the sci-fi thread and this has jumped into my mind and now I can't remember the bleedin name of the programme!

    It was on at lunchtime - I think it was an educational programme aimed at 6 - 7 year olds. The bits I can remember were 'aliens' dressed in silver 'all in one' suits, with silver boots and silver painted faces. I just remember them not speaking and either following a child or a child following them. I can remember watching it at primary school that's why I think it was an educational programme.

    Details are sketchy as I really have only just thought of it but it's going to really bug me - so guys, pleeeeaaaaaassssssseeeeee help!
    Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn....

  • #2
    Re: Kids 'Space' Programme from late 70's

    Hang on let me check



    • #3
      Re: Kids 'Space' Programme from late 70's

      Originally posted by Bozebo View Post
      Pleae help...... I've just been reading the sci-fi thread and this has jumped into my mind and now I can't remember the bleedin name of the programme!

      It was on at lunchtime - I think it was an educational programme aimed at 6 - 7 year olds. The bits I can remember were 'aliens' dressed in silver 'all in one' suits, with silver boots and silver painted faces. I just remember them not speaking and either following a child or a child following them. I can remember watching it at primary school that's why I think it was an educational programme.

      Details are sketchy as I really have only just thought of it but it's going to really bug me - so guys, pleeeeaaaaaassssssseeeeee help!

      The Boy From Space from Look &'s the BBC cult page with clips

      BBC - Cult - Classic TV - Look and Read


      • #4
        Re: Kids 'Space' Programme from late 70's

        That's it - thank you sytemaddict

        I have been racking my tiny brain for this.

        Can anyone else remember it?
        Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn....

