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title of a tv series with a similar plot to movie The Lost City (1982)

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  • title of a tv series with a similar plot to movie The Lost City (1982)

    i would like to ask u if u remember anything about a tv series aimed to kids or teenagers which i assume it had been made at the beginning of the 90s (was aired in my country in 1996 or 1997). the plot is very much similar to the one depicted for the movie ,,the lost city,,(1992): some students find themselves captured by the inhabitants of a lost city after their helicopter crushes into the jungle; they get familiar and soon become a part of the various intrigues and struggle for power on the city and of course the princess falls in love with the main character but so is the wicked sister of the king, and this is all I remember.
    i have been searching for some infos concerning it (i was little when i saw it and don't remember much about it, not even the title) but haven't managed to find anything anywhere except for this movie made in 1982 which has almost the same storyline, inclusive the fact that the main character, the student was blonde too :-).