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90s Kids TV Show no-one can name so far

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  • 90s Kids TV Show no-one can name so far

    I remember seeing a show in the 90s, of which I can most vividly remember the penultimate episode.
    The main characters group - teenagers and kids, maybe an adult or two, were running away from an old granny - seriously - and at one point they pretend to be statues, i believe they posed as if they were a rock group in some museum exhibition, something like that.

    The episode ended with this old granny holding an inflatable globe, which, by bursting, would destroy the world, and right at the end she bursts it and we see flames, and it's too be continued.

    This has stayed with me, it was gripping, tense, and I never saw the last episode, and can't remember what it's called! Any ideas?

  • #2
    Re: 90s Kids TV Show no-one can name so far

    I too have been looking for the name of this show with no luck so far. You're the first person I've come across who's mentioned anything similar to it. All I can tell you is what I vaguely remember from the show. I'm sure it aired on CBBC (aka "Children's BBC") but there is a small chance I'm wrong.

    I remember one episode, I'm pretty sure it was the last one, where a boy falls out with the other kids, leaves the group/gang, gives in to the old granny and wishes or helps the granny make everyone in the world disappear except for these kids.

    The last scene I remember from this show was this boy in a shop/supermarket thinking about all the sweets he could now eat then a girl from the group finds him and asks him what he's done and how he could of done it. She goes on to say something like "don't you realise, with no one left in the world there's no one to make any more sweets? what about your family? you'll never ever see them again!!"

    I also seem to recall a sword that played a significant part to the story here, or some kind of weapon that the granny was seeking or was afraid of -- but I might be wrong here, after all, its about 20 years ago now!

    Still looking for the title of this show so any help would be very much appreciated!


    • #3
      Re: 90s Kids TV Show no-one can name so far

      Hello very old thread, I hope you have notifications turned on!

      I recently found this show the only way I know how- by looking at the wiki for EVERY SINGLE KIDS SHOW EVER.

      The show was called *drumroll* Mud!

      It starred a very young Russell Tovey and Russell Brand. The first season was fairly tame though a bit odd, it was the second season where things went strange and all the witch and end-of-the-world stuff happened!

      Now to try and find copies of it...



      • #4
        Re: 90s Kids TV Show no-one can name so far

        Well Done!


        • #5
          Re: 90s Kids TV Show no-one can name so far

          Fairly sure this has been in the press or TV over the last week or so. Sure I saw a pic of the young Brand with a caption alluding to 'Mud' somewhere recently.


          • #6
            Re: 90s Kids TV Show no-one can name so far

            This is chr1570pher. I can't access my old account, as it's an old email address. Anyway, thank you so much, that closes that chapter! Very little of it on YouTube, and some people mention having episodes recorded off TV, but no one has uploaded them. There are no vhs or DVD releases but at least now I know :-)

            Excuse the delay in replying, I only check back here periodically nowadays.

