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Crown Court

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  • Crown Court

    Used to watch this when I was about three, cos my mum watched it. I don't think I had even started nursery school yet, so I don't know how much I understood at the time, but I distinctly remember watching it a lot! I think channel 4 tried to resurrect it a couple of years ago? Drama reinactment of real cases, as far as I know?

  • #2
    Yeah I also used to watch this mainly cos my mum had it on,dont remember too many details apart from it being very drab setting ( a court-room obviously)dark&dingey and everyone in it very serious!


    • #3
      Me too. I sat through it. No multitude of 24 hour cartoon channels for us back in the 70s. Crown Court. And we were grateful too! (practising my speeches, for when I have kids).


      • #4
        Was it like Judge Judy ?
        Into the 5th Millennium & beyond...!


        • #5
          nowt like judge judy,there are only two reasons why you would have caught this as a youngster,1,you were pre infant school and if so you have a bloody good memory,or,2,you were off school "poorly" and watched it lying on the seatee/sofa,the theme tune is excellent and if you did watch it back then will instantly bring back the memories,its a mp3 on my phone.Crown court had a stellar cast featuring loads of famous people over its run on tv,sadly missed,could do with itv 4 repeating it.


          • #6
            i remember

            oh!!! i remember crown court,always watched it when i bunked off school(did a lot of that).as mentioned lots of people in it who went on to be well known faces in many other tv shows.if my memory serves me it was always well acted and pretty serious!!!!!


            • #7
              Always remember watching crown court when i was sick from school but just before it started mr benn was on bbc 2 and i loved that. oh i wish i could go back!!


              • #8
                You knew you were off sick from school if Crown Court was on. With the jolity of Pebble Mill over it was either that or back to afternoon schools TV and Words and Pictures!

                And you would have watched Alan Rothwell in Picture Box in the morning, too. Probably with the red balloon film on!

                All the theme music sites have the ending music for Crown Court, but what I really want is that, oh-so serious, opening music. Anyone, shout out if they find it!

                Bloody hell, I wish I was 8 again.
                Last edited by Wil; 12-04-2006, 14:13.


                • #9
                  I remember Crown Court. The theme tune is brilliant, very catchy and it is called Distant Hills. It should be repeated in the daytime on ITV-1 instead of the rubbish that is currently been shown.


                  • #10
                    Distant Hills was the ending credits music. The opening just had a very quick snatch of something rather stern and serious (as befitted the subject matter) over the title and then it was straight into the action (if you could call it that).

                    If someone finds the opening music on the web somewhere let us know!


                    • #11
                      From what I remember, the jury on Crown Court was made up from members of the public, & the rest were actors.


                      • #12
                        I loved Crown Court, on of a dinner time, liked the music too, have it on a cd.....of cult themes, think there was a similar tv series on last year.


                        • #13
                          If you have sky tv Crown Court is on channel Legal TV (channel 215) throughout the day. Link below leads to page that will show you times.

                          If eight out of ten cats prefer whiskas, do the other two shave or wax?


                          • #14
                            kool Koukou


                            • #15
                              Re: Crown Court

                              hated crown court. i always wanted to watch rainbow and see the wonderful threesome of rod jane and freddie. strange thing though, i seem to be turning to legal tv more and more just to see barry deeley and charles lotterby. think i may bea bit sad.

