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70s kids drama, probably BBC

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  • 70s kids drama, probably BBC

    Hello there,
    I am new to this, so I hope I´m doing it right!
    Does anyone remember a children's drama series from the late 1970s about
    a girl, I think her name was Samantha. I have a feeling that she was played by Anna Haigh (but I might have made that up!). I seem to recall that she had a sad homelife, maybe some trouble with a stepfather and I think it was based in Margate, or maybe she ran away to Margate?
    Sorry to be so sketchy, that's all I can remember! I read the book and it had a photo from the BBC series on the front cover.
    Thanks a lot to anyone who can help!

  • #2
    Re: 70s kids drama, probably BBC

    Break in The Sun?


    • #3
      Re: 70s kids drama, probably BBC

      Sixtyten, you are a genius!
      Especially given the fact that almost all the information I gave you was wrong!
      I have just wiki-ed it and it was Patsy not Samantha, and Nicola Cowper, not Anna Haigh.
      Margate was right though - see the Benbon Brothers fairground in the background.
      Did you just have the book lying around at home?
      I remember that it was a very strong and moving piece of children's drama which has always stayed with me.
      Thanks once again.


      • #4
        Re: 70s kids drama, probably BBC

        Most welcome.
        I just Googled it


        • #5
          Re: 70s kids drama, probably BBC

          Just found some clips on YouTube. Here's the first one - you'll see two others in the side-bar.

          YouTube - Break in the Sun


          • #6
            Re: 70s kids drama, probably BBC

            Thanks Marine Boy.
            Wow, I used to love Marine Boy too


            • #7
              Re: 70s kids drama, probably BBC

              Your powers of Googling are obviously far superior to mine!


              • #8
                Re: 70s kids drama, probably BBC

                Originally posted by SheeBeeGB View Post
                Hello there,
                I am new to this, so I hope I´m doing it right!
                Does anyone remember a children's drama series from the late 1970s about
                a girl, I think her name was Samantha. I have a feeling that she was played by Anna Haigh (but I might have made that up!). I seem to recall that she had a sad homelife, maybe some trouble with a stepfather and I think it was based in Margate, or maybe she ran away to Margate?
                Sorry to be so sketchy, that's all I can remember! I read the book and it had a photo from the BBC series on the front cover.
                Thanks a lot to anyone who can help!

                OMG, I feel like crying. I used to watch this when I was a girl and for many years have tried to find out what it was called. Thank you. Brings back happy memories especially seeing the book cover as I thought the actress who played the girl was brilliant.


                • #9
                  Re: 70s kids drama, probably BBC

                  Oh My God, I feel like crying. For years and years I've tried asking people my age (38) if they remembered this TV programme and I used to describe it almost the same way. Thank you sixtyten, you have made me very very happy :-)


                  • #10
                    Re: 70s kids drama, probably BBC

                    No Probs


                    • #11
                      Re: 70s kids drama, probably BBC

                      Im hoping its the same drama that ive been thinking about for the last 25yrs, all i remember was her wanting to run away to see her gran and it somehow ends up with the girl threatning to jump off a high fairground ride like a slide or something....?

