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BBC 1 horror drama ?

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  • BBC 1 horror drama ?

    This is a long shot ! I've got this vague memory of a programme that was on bbc 1 in the very early 80's. I seem to remember a scene which involved someone discovering body parts in a field near a hedge, may have been a golf course. It could have had something to do with a kind of Frankenstein story but I may be wide off the mark. One thing that keeps coming back to me was that I think Points of View with Barry Took was either on before or after it or it had a letter from someone complaining about it so I might have just got the scene from that. I know it's not much to go on at all but it's just a memory that's been there for years ! I was born in 1975 and I'm sure I was quite young when I saw this if that's any help !

  • #2
    Re: BBC 1 horror drama ?

    I watched this go out at the time and it terrified me - I was nine when it aired. The Nightmare Man (1981). Here's a link for you and you can also find it on YouTube or buy it on DVD like I did.


    • #3
      Re: BBC 1 horror drama ?

      That's it ! Many many thanks ! Just found it on You Tube and the first part contains the scene exactly as how I remember it ! I hadn't realised how close I was about the golf course ! Brought back a lot of scary memories just by seeing it !


      • #4
        Re: BBC 1 horror drama ?

        Glad to hear that Steve. I too remember the scene you described, it left a lasting impression at a young age.


        • #5
          Re: BBC 1 horror drama ?

          there is a horror documentary on bbc three at nine on monday night.
          its a 3 part doc.

          first part was about the films of karloff and lugosi.

          the next part is about the rise of the legendary hammer films.


          • #6
            Re: BBC 1 horror drama ?

            I missed the very last episode of this as we went on a family holiday to Bridlington. I waited years for them to repeat it, but for some reason Auntie never did. It was based on Children Of Vodyanoi by David Wiltshire. I managed to pick up a copy last year for about £4 delivered last year via It shows it's time, but it was still very good IMHO.

