Remember this well as all the girls in our school used to buy this. Many lessons where spent with them sitting at the back of the classroom singing as they put lyrics in the magazine. Seem to remember them singing alot of Rick Astley. They would give away free gifts as well and I think they gave away records made out of thin plastic that would be inside the magazine as remember they gave away The Jets - Crush On You one week.
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Smash Hits
Re: Smash Hits
I can't remember what the name was of the one I used to buy in the 70's but I stopped buying it because the lyrics were so hopelessly inaccurate. For example the chorus to Angel Face - The Glitter Band was allegedly "Paint your face, paint your face, you've got the cutest paint your face". You'd think the title might have been a bit of a help.
Re: Smash Hits
Originally posted by yelever View PostRemember this well as all the girls in our school used to buy this. Many lessons where spent with them sitting at the back of the classroom singing as they put lyrics in the magazine. Seem to remember them singing alot of Rick Astley. They would give away free gifts as well and I think they gave away records made out of thin plastic that would be inside the magazine as remember they gave away The Jets - Crush On You one week.
Re: Smash Hits
Originally posted by ClaudineJones View PostI can't remember what the name was of the one I used to buy in the 70's but I stopped buying it because the lyrics were so hopelessly inaccurate. For example the chorus to Angel Face - The Glitter Band was allegedly "Paint your face, paint your face, you've got the cutest paint your face". You'd think the title might have been a bit of a help.
'Dreams come true if you want them to'
Re: Smash Hits
Originally posted by kazboot View PostThis could be the lyrics mag I used to buy every week in the 70s called Disco 45. Does that ring a bell?). In fact at the time it was almost as outrageous as Zest soap turning out to be ordinary soap after all, despite the misleading advert that implied you'd leap out of the shower after using it feeling all sparkly and alive and like you'd just snorted something illegal - remember Trading Standards pouncing on that?
Re: Smash Hits
Oh my god, i can remember smash hits, went to the poll winners party and everything. I remember rushing to the shops to look at the back for the song words. I knew if the song was on top of the pops it was sure to be in the magazine. Is there anything like this for kids now?? Thanks for the reminsing!!
Connecting and empowering children across the world
Re: Smash Hits
Originally posted by yelever View PostRemember this well as all the girls in our school used to buy this. Many lessons where spent with them sitting at the back of the classroom singing as they put lyrics in the magazine. Seem to remember them singing alot of Rick Astley. They would give away free gifts as well and I think they gave away records made out of thin plastic that would be inside the magazine as remember they gave away The Jets - Crush On You one week.
My first copy of smash hits was when i was 10 it had a picture of Human league on it. I loved the lyrics that they had and giant posters that could cover a door. some i even used to cover school books lol
I remember collecting every issue and saving them until you couldnt move in the bedroom. The best issues where when you got freebies like badges, stickers etc. I used to look forwards to the next issue coming out.
its a shame that the magazine went down hill in the late 90s and the great journos of the time left. I think thats why they finally folded, what with the invention of the internet."Man who catch fly with chopsticks accomplish anything"
Re: Smash Hits
I used to get my local Newsie to order it for me from the UK. Australia made Smash Hits too, but I prefered the UK version. I still have examples from the early 80s that I have kept. One had a free Duran Duran badge on the front and another a U2 one, which I still have somewhere too. They brought out a year book once I think. I still have that as well but I stopped buying SH around 1985. It seriously went to **** after that. I think I have kept these ones as examples:
I used to also by No1. magazine, which was Smash Hits rival. For serious music info I'd get the music paper, 'NME'.