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Football Clubs and Teams - being suited an booted to Games

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  • Football Clubs and Teams - being suited an booted to Games

    Did you ever have to this - if you played at a Good Level or even half decent level

    i hate how most go to Games in Club Tracksuits and so do Top Managers

    Say what you want about Paul Pogba being morngy and a trouble-causer but as I am sure my good Mucker on here Darren will agree Man utd know how to do (even though it's an elite) level they do know how to dress well smart to Games - Club Suit and Blazer and Club Tie - that must be a top feeling if your great at Footy and or love the Team/Club you play for so dearly

    I also liked how Paul still tried to break the rules like we all would/did in such a scenario by wearing White Trainers - if I can find a pic I will post later on

    My one ike is - he could've done his Tie skinny though lol