I remember it was only a few years ago that you felt such a spoon going out in brand new trainers, used to stroll along kicking at dust etc to try and scuff 'em up a bit....
Now I got nephews staying for a few days and they carefullly wipe theirs every night to try and keep the 'pristine' look; one of them took his laces out, hand washed them and even ironed them next day before relacing.
Because of this I been taking note when out and about and it looks like all teenagers are doing similar things nowadays to keep their trainers in brand new condition
When did this changeover happen - did anyone notice?
Now I got nephews staying for a few days and they carefullly wipe theirs every night to try and keep the 'pristine' look; one of them took his laces out, hand washed them and even ironed them next day before relacing.
Because of this I been taking note when out and about and it looks like all teenagers are doing similar things nowadays to keep their trainers in brand new condition
When did this changeover happen - did anyone notice?