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Jumper with 3 stars across the front

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  • Jumper with 3 stars across the front

    In the early to mid 70s in Britain there was a teenager's jumper that came out with 3 stars across the chest and lines above and below and on the cuffs. It came in lots of Colour variations. Does anybody know what I am talking about and does anyone have any photos of people wearing them that they could post here? I am desperate to see them again and have searched for years.

  • #2
    Re: Jumper with 3 stars across the front

    I think i may have owned one of those,or one very similar.Mine was dark blue,like navy with 3 stars on it.It did have stripes on it,and i loved it because it reminded me of America.


    • #3
      Re: Jumper with 3 stars across the front

      Moonvisage, I fully expect you to be sifting through your family snaps from the 70s right now to see if you had a picture taken while you were wearing it. I will return here on the hour, every hour in anticipation of a pictorial posting


      • #4
        Re: Jumper with 3 stars across the front

        Unfortunately,no pictures were taken of it,which is a shame,as i'd love to see what it looked like again.I think,both me and my brother had one,but mine simply vanished.I loved wearing it,as it was a really good quality thick jumper,well to my child mind anyway,and i felt so comfortable and cool wearing it.


        • #5
          Re: Jumper with 3 stars across the front



          • #6
            Re: Jumper with 3 stars across the front

            Originally posted by Grosh62 View Post
            In the early to mid 70s in Britain there was a teenager's jumper that came out with 3 stars across the chest and lines above and below and on the cuffs. It came in lots of Colour variations. Does anybody know what I am talking about and does anyone have any photos of people wearing them that they could post here? I am desperate to see them again and have searched for years.
            hello, got to scroll down and click on 1950' s and 60's style flats and maisonettes in the tenements section then scroll quite a way down the page and there you will find what you're looking for.Happy hunting.


            • #7
              Re: Jumper with 3 stars across the front

              Originally posted by Grosh62 View Post
              In the early to mid 70s in Britain there was a teenager's jumper that came out with 3 stars across the chest and lines above and below and on the cuffs. It came in lots of Colour variations. Does anybody know what I am talking about and does anyone have any photos of people wearing them that they could post here? I am desperate to see them again and have searched for years.
              Everyone wore these when I was at school I had the maroon one with yellow stars I too have been trying to get pictures of these


              • #8
                Re: Jumper with 3 stars across the front

                If you do follow the link above and scroll down there IS a picture there I'm sure I tried to bring the Image here but couldn't, may be protected?


                • #9
                  Re: Jumper with 3 stars across the front

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	i247906737_90106_7.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	85.2 KB
ID:	260131

                  Click Image to Enlarge.


                  • #10
                    Re: Jumper with 3 stars across the front

                    nothings protected from our Sixty!!! Thats the one .Thank you


                    • #11
                      Re: Jumper with 3 stars across the front

                      god look at the flares lol i remember haven some like that gosh if we wore these now we be taken of in a gust of wind lol
                      THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE TRUST NO ONE


                      • #12
                        Re: Jumper with 3 stars across the front

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	49.5 KB
ID:	260468This is my 70s three star tank top. Bought off ebay for a fiver, been offered £180 for it as they are so rare to find!
                        Last edited by Debc; 06-09-2013, 19:45.


                        • #13
                          Re: Jumper with 3 stars across the front

                          I remember my boyfriend and I had about 4 between us, different colours but with the stars on and I am sure I have a picture some place with me wearing one


                          • #14
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	star.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	25.9 KB
ID:	260509
                            Originally posted by Grosh62 View Post
                            In the early to mid 70s in Britain there was a teenager's jumper that came out with 3 stars across the chest and lines above and below and on the cuffs. It came in lots of Colour variations. Does anybody know what I am talking about and does anyone have any photos of people wearing them that they could post here? I am desperate to see them again and have searched for years.

                            heres one of me with one of mine in the 70's i had quite a few different colours and tank tops too

                            Originally posted by Debc View Post
                            [ATTACH=CONFIG]3876[/ATTACH]This is my 70s three star tank top. Bit ought off ebay for a fiver, been offered £180 for it as they are so rare to find!
                            does it have a makers name in it ?


                            • #15
                              Re: Jumper with 3 stars across the front

                              i only just am beginning t remember these i cant find any pics online of these or id have put them up.

                              im pretty certain tho my older brother had one i just dont remember having them.

                              i have to say it really sounds beautiful and very comfortable to wear.
                              FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL

