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Defunct sweets?

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  • #16
    Does anybody remember the sweets in the green & white striped packets,think they were called pacers?


    • #17
      yesthere is a link to these on here somewhere.
      No man is worth your tears - and the one who is wont make you cry!


      • #18
        knew it was here
        No man is worth your tears - and the one who is wont make you cry!


        • #19
          Hmm, on the subject of things not tasting the same ... some might say that your taste buds change over time e.g. when I was a kid i hated coffee and lager, but now 'hey presto!' I love em. I think things are different nowadays though what with restrictions on E numbers and flavourings and all that other bad stuff that made our beloved sweets taste so good.

          I had some palma violets the other day and they tasted the same as ever ... god awful!


          • #20
            I used to hate coffee when I was a kid and now I love it... always liked lager tho! lol I used to buy coffee cremes by the bucket load thats how mad about it I am! Everyone always gives me the coffee ones in boxes of chocs... no one else seems to like them.

            Parma violets taste of perfume, they are terrible. I can't think why I ate them when I was a kid. Same as pear drops. I used to like them but now they turn my stomach! And rice paper... what was that about??? I ate sheets of it from the sweet shop and now the thought makes me feel sick.
            If eight out of ten cats prefer whiskas, do the other two shave or wax?


            • #21
              I wish they still made Aztec bars Half milk chocolate on top and Dark below. Also Nutty Bars which were a stick of caramel covered in peanuts.


              • #22
                I always wanted a Cadbury's Cream egg Easter egg ... full of the gooey stuff. Ha! I reckon it would have made me puke but I still wanted one when I was a kid


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Baz
                  I always wanted a Cadbury's Cream egg Easter egg ... full of the gooey stuff. Ha! I reckon it would have made me puke but I still wanted one when I was a kid
                  Me too!!


                  • #24
                    I loved Cabanas,

                    The two sweets i remember were Nutty Bar's & also Banjo's ( and im sure there were two coloured wrappers a red one & a blue one)

                    I got sent a good site for this kinda thing at work, i will try and dig up the link


                    • #25
                      Star Bars are now called 'Moro Peanut' or 'Peanut Moro', having started out as 'Nunch' - the first product to have three different names ?
                      Does anyone remember perfumed breath-freshening sweets called Aromatics ?
                      Into the 5th Millennium & beyond...!


                      • #26
                        Aussies..... aussies.... guess what TOOBS are back!!!! That's right, they're BACK BABY YEAH!

                        (Did I mention that I loved Toobs hehehe)


                        • #27
                          Does anyone remember the mint pyramid in the late eighties/early nineties. ?
                          Think it was made by After Eight.Had the same type of filling.
                          Used to come in a cardboard wrapper.

                          Also about 10 years ago a chocolate bar called Secret, made by nestle.
                          Had a shredded wheat effect chocolate cage with a mallow inside, like in a walnut whip.
                          My god, they were gorgeous.



                          • #28
                            Re: Defunct sweets?

                            Do any of you remember "Dino'SOUR'Eggs" they were a bit like an enormous gob stopper it came in it's own little box and took you an age to suck it till u could get to the point where you could crack it with your teeth, they sold for about 10p each in the mid 80's.


                            • #29
                              Re: Defunct sweets?

                              Does anyone else remember Golden Cups ? They were chocolate bars, curved on the top and flat on the bottom and full of gooey caramel..really yummy.I think the wrapper was bronze/silver/orange.Wonder what happened to them?


                              • #30
                                Re: Defunct sweets?

                                I liked Golden Cups!
                                Last edited by sixtyten; 08-04-2008, 12:13.

