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For novel research, what year did you have your first McDonalds thick shake?

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  • #16
    Re: For novel research, what year did you have your first McDonalds thick shake?

    More replies. Thank you everybody. Reading these, Maybe it's just about feasible my character could have got his hands on a thick shake in the summer of 1979. But if most of my readers (if ever published...hehe) would struggle to believe it, then there's no point in alienating them. Most of you first had your shake a few years later. I'll just have to drop the scene. Work it into another novel one day, perhaps.

    Thanks all.



    • #17
      Re: For novel research, what year did you have your first McDonalds thick shake?

      The Galaxians video arcade game came out in 1979, that could definitely be worked into a story about school kids of 1979.


      • #18
        Re: For novel research, what year did you have your first McDonalds thick shake?

        I had one in one of the first MacDonalds to open in the UK, back in the earlyish 1970s.

        It was soooo thick, that I couldn't get it up the straw and ended up with a massive headache from sucking so hard.

        Never had one since!


        • #19
          Re: For novel research, what year did you have your first McDonalds thick shake?

          Mine was 1987 in the Hanley store in Stoke on Trent..Always remember an old guy behind me asking if they did fish and chips!! :-)


          • #20
            Re: For novel research, what year did you have your first McDonalds thick shake?

            Sometime in the mid 80's is when I had my first McD's Milkshake. When I was in high school there was a rumour that they made the thickener from polystyrene balls and the fluids from cows eyes.

            They do use some stuff that would be considered odd I guess, but chances are that you are eating these ingredients in other stuff. I know they put seaweed in there to stop it totally freezing up and it wouldn't surprise me if there were some e numbers in there for colours and preservatives. Same as any other food you currently have in your cupboards now.

            I think as a kid it was the first time I experienced brain freeze. Not a pleasant thing to go through.


            • #21
              Re: For novel research, what year did you have your first McDonalds thick shake?

              London 1981.

