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Christmas When You Were Growing Up

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  • tex
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Originally posted by staffslad View Post
    Talking of cards, did anyone else used to make a Christmas card for their parents at school? It was an annual ritual in infants and junior school. Usually involved drawing a Christmas scene or a Santa, that white glue and cotton wool for Santa's beard, snow and so forth. It was also enacted at Easter, where chicks coming out of eggs was a popular motif.

    I also remember that at Christmas at secondary school we would be shown a film in the hall. It was a feature film on 16mm rented from a film library. I recall seeing a spaghetti western called Ringo and his Golden Pistol, another western called The Rare Breed, and a Sean Connery film called The Anderson Tapes (with naughty bits removed).
    Yes we also made christmas and easter cards in art classes, never a good idea to let 8 year old kids loose with a pot of glue. Funny that you mention the anderson tapes Staffslad as i started watching this film a few weeks ago but had to give up on it about 20 minutes in due to picture quality issues.

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  • staffslad
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Talking of cards, did anyone else used to make a Christmas card for their parents at school? It was an annual ritual in infants and junior school. Usually involved drawing a Christmas scene or a Santa, that white glue and cotton wool for Santa's beard, snow and so forth. It was also enacted at Easter, where chicks coming out of eggs was a popular motif.

    I also remember that at Christmas at secondary school we would be shown a film in the hall. It was a feature film on 16mm rented from a film library. I recall seeing a spaghetti western called Ringo and his Golden Pistol, another western called The Rare Breed, and a Sean Connery film called The Anderson Tapes (with naughty bits removed).

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  • George 1978
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    My first Christmas card of the season arrived in the post today.

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  • Arran
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    I install my lights on 30 November and leave them up until the end of January. They are just decorative lights, not Christmas lights.

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  • Jemima
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Originally posted by Donald the Great View Post
    Guys we have gone off topic. About my three Chrissie questions?

    Good question Donald ...

    LIGHTS - I do love the these at Christmas as I feel they create a 'light' in the darkness of winter and add a bit of magic. I like lots of them on my tree, I enjoy the fun and nostalgia of coloured lights but love the elegance and beauty of warm white lights. The lights always go on the tree but I sometimes add others around the house if the fancy takes me, perhaps on a ledge or around the stair bannister, also a few little ones outside sometimes.

    TREE - I prefer a real tree for the fragrance, the naturalness and the nostalgia, but appreciate an artificial one for not dropping needles, not needing water and also being easier to decorate. I do enjoy both and decide each Christmas which to have that year.

    PRESENTS - These go under the tree as soon as they are wrapped (with some taking longer than others to make it there), but I do like to see them sat there under the twinkling lights

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  • George 1978
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Originally posted by Donald the Great View Post
    So who puts out Chrissie lites and even still lites up their Chrissie tree?

    Do you prefer artificial Chrissie trees or the real thing.

    Who still puts their presents under the Chrissie tree?
    1) I keep the lights on the Christmas tree when I store it away for 11 months of the year, so the answer is yes to that one.

    2) Artificial trees as I have had the same one for over a decade (and my parents had the same one for over 20 years).

    3) There isn't too much room underneath, especially with the size of the presents, but I do try and keep them as closest as I can under the tree.

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Guys we have gone off topic. About my three Chrissie questions?

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  • tex
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Smile for the camera!

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  • Zincubus
    Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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  • tex
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Originally posted by Zincubus View Post
    I actually expected you to say something like that .. to diffuse the situation

    The only thing I can suggest to anyone and everyone making jokes or generally messing around is to add a smiley [emoji4] on at the end !?!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    wouldn't know how

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  • George 1978
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Originally posted by Zincubus View Post
    Ahhhh ... oddly enough I store some of my contacts / mp3s etc with zzz's in front of the title as well for a similar reason .I've never ever seen it elsewhere until I saw your image .

    Similar minds clearly have similar thought processes !?!?

    It's a bit like how classified advertisements in newspapers and telephone directories start with AAAAAAAA because they want their company to be the first alphabetically.

    My concept is probably similar to how ZZ Top got its name...

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  • Zincubus
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Originally posted by George 1978 View Post
    She was a PCBH character called Chrissie Latham (nine minutes into episode 188) - I thought people would get the joke as Donald referred to Christmas as "Chrissie". I assume that you have never seen PCBH? Donald is in Australia and so he would be familiar with it as well.

    By the way, episodes 74 to 79 of PCBH are Christmas themed.

    The images I have are stored alphabetically and I can access the ones at the end of the alphabet more quickly than those at the beginning, hence it starting with Zs.
    Ahhhh ... oddly enough I store some of my contacts / mp3s etc with zzz's in front of the title as well for a similar reason .I've never ever seen it elsewhere until I saw your image .

    Similar minds clearly have similar thought processes !?!?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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  • George 1978
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Originally posted by Zincubus View Post
    I have no idea who that is .. my guess is someone off Cell Block H simply looking at the photo .

    Incidentally is zzzzzChrissie one of 'your' tags ??
    She was a PCBH character called Chrissie Latham (nine minutes into episode 188) - I thought people would get the joke as Donald referred to Christmas as "Chrissie". I assume that you have never seen PCBH? Donald is in Australia and so he would be familiar with it as well.

    By the way, episodes 74 to 79 of PCBH are Christmas themed.

    The images I have are stored alphabetically and I can access the ones at the end of the alphabet more quickly than those at the beginning, hence it starting with Zs.

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  • Zincubus
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Originally posted by George 1978 View Post
    I don't think that my small flat would accommodate a real tree - I have always had the same plastic one for years now.

    Now, this is my idea of a "Chrissie" tree:

    She would look better than any angel or fairy at the top...
    I have no idea who that is .. my guess is someone off Cell Block H simply looking at the photo .

    Incidentally is zzzzzChrissie one of 'your' tags ??

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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  • George 1978
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Originally posted by Zincubus View Post
    Count to ten !?!

    Time is money

    It certainly is when it comes to the expenses in the run up to Christmas.

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