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silly things we did as kids.

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  • #16
    Re: silly things we did as kids.

    You guys are loco.


    • #17
      Re: silly things we did as kids.

      Re the light bulb experiment - my best mates older brother hung newspaper from his bedroom lampshade and punctured it with lit matches, then got us to try and blow out the matches with peashooters!!! Needless to say we ended up with the lampshade and then the carpet on fire!!

      Also I used to live in a tied cottage as my Step Father worked at a water treatment works, and in the days before health & safety me and my friend next door use to just play in the grounds. Once we kicked a football up onto the roof and on going to get it (just casually climbing up onto the water treatment works roof) I fell through (after jumping on) a skylight. 20 odd feet onto a concrete floor (thank god it wasn't into a treatment tank!) and broke my leg!!

      This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of stupid things I did as a kid!!!


      • #18
        Re: silly things we did as kids.

        Another crszy thing i did was when i was ten.
        i remember being behind some garages and for some odd reason i threw up this huge stone.
        it must have been two foot in width all the way round.
        and about a foot thick.

        good old me decided to throw this stone in to the upper atmosphere it took that long coming down i thought it was in orbit.
        Anyway what comes up must come down,and guess where it landed go on guess, right on my bonce.
        thing was i hardly felt it,and it was all bumpy all over.
        who needs a hard hat when you have a noggin like mine.


        • #19
          Re: silly things we did as kids.

          another one was the can of coke and wasp incident.

          yes i was thirsty and said ill have a can of coke with a sting.
          well i was drinking away happy as larry but the next sip i took had a sting in it literally.
          because when i took the next sip there was a wasp in my mouth it had been in the can at the time and it stung me a few times on the mouth.
          waening when drinking cans of drink check for wasps,bees etc


          • #20
            Re: silly things we did as kids.

            Another is one my brother did to me.
            when the bro was say 3 or so he was sitting on my mums lap.
            so i crawled over to him and guess what he fired off an almighty golden stream onto my mouth.


            • #21
              Re: silly things we did as kids.

              Originally posted by darren View Post
              Another crszy thing i did was when i was ten.
              i remember being behind some garages and for some odd reason i threw up this huge stone.
              it must have been two foot in width all the way round.
              and about a foot thick.

              good old me decided to throw this stone in to the upper atmosphere it took that long coming down i thought it was in orbit.
              Anyway what comes up must come down,and guess where it landed go on guess, right on my bonce.
              thing was i hardly felt it,and it was all bumpy all over.
              who needs a hard hat when you have a noggin like mine.
              I did a similar thing with a wooden block, & nearly knocked myself out.
              The Trickster On The Roof


              • #22
                Re: silly things we did as kids.

                A school friend and I gained access to a disused chalk quarry. There was a rope hanging down the cliff face. We decided to climb up the cliff face, using the rope to steady us. We reached the top, some 100 or so feet then realised that the fences round the lip of the quarry were too high to allow us out so the only way was back down the rope - which on closer inspection was attached at the upper end to a rotten tree stump...


                • #23
                  Re: silly things we did as kids.

                  Originally posted by darren View Post
                  another one was the can of coke and wasp incident.

                  yes i was thirsty and said ill have a can of coke with a sting.
                  well i was drinking away happy as larry but the next sip i took had a sting in it literally.
                  because when i took the next sip there was a wasp in my mouth it had been in the can at the time and it stung me a few times on the mouth.
                  waening when drinking cans of drink check for wasps,bees etc
                  I've done this with beer though!!!


                  • #24
                    Re: silly things we did as kids.

                    Originally posted by Colin View Post
                    A school friend and I gained access to a disused chalk quarry. There was a rope hanging down the cliff face. We decided to climb up the cliff face, using the rope to steady us. We reached the top, some 100 or so feet then realised that the fences round the lip of the quarry were too high to allow us out so the only way was back down the rope - which on closer inspection was attached at the upper end to a rotten tree stump...
                    I remember rolling tractor tyres down into a quarry, there were people at work down the bottom, needless to say we made a quick exit!!


                    • #25
                      Re: silly things we did as kids.

                      Best laugh in ages folks! Thanks!

                      Here are my 3 stupid stunts:

                      1. Decided to do a spot of baking, so when mum was in another room, placed my huge rubber bendy toy rat in the oven, the oven was then turned on, and the house was full of acrid burning rubber stench! Might have been spanked for that!

                      2. Mum was preparing fish, Spratts to be precise, so I stole a couple and threaded them on a bent knitting needle and shoved them up the back of the chimney (we have an open fire) a few days later another stench filled the lounge, my dad tracked it down to the fireplace, he was puzzled (very) I explained that I had seen a film about smoking fish!

                      3. We had a huge old English Electric washer with a mangle on top, I grabbed the clothes and went into the mangle - trip to casualty! Bruised but ok.

                      Any wonder that I am an only one?
                      Last edited by FLYING SAUCER; 28-05-2011, 22:13. Reason: spelling error


                      • #26
                        Re: silly things we did as kids.

                        just rememberd another.

                        me and my older brother where outside and he was playing golf.

                        i went over to him and he told me to move course i didnt did i.

                        well i did not listen he swung the club git the ball and it hot me on the side of the face from about 10 feet away.
                        FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                        • #27
                          Re: silly things we did as kids.

                          Originally posted by sixtyten View Post
                          Took the figure of eight power lead from back of my ITT radio, dropped two needles into the recessed power points, turned on the mains and touched them.

                          Never again! shock threw me to floor, and burnt fingers

                          Did something similar when I was ten years old.....removed a light-bulb from a standard lamp whilst it was plugged in....and....wait for it....promptly stuck my fingers in the element just for the hell of it.....35 years later I can still sense the "exhilirating experience"!!


                          • #28
                            Re: silly things we did as kids.

                            Took the stabilisers off my bike aged 5 with a screwdriver!!

                            Used to jump off garage roofs when I was about 10.We would climb up on them for a while,cos there was a wall next to them,so easy to get on,but we always jumped off them.



                            • #29
                              Re: silly things we did as kids.

                              Originally posted by scotchmist View Post
                              Did something similar when I was ten years old.....removed a light-bulb from a standard lamp whilst it was plugged in....and....wait for it....promptly stuck my fingers in the element just for the hell of it.....35 years later I can still sense the "exhilirating experience"!!
                              Did something the same....turned an old coil bar heater on, it looked like an electric fan, with the coil in the centre on a stub, as it was turned on and before the coil heated up, I grabbed it.......WOW...big mistake. Must have been 10 or 11.


                              • #30
                                Re: silly things we did as kids.

                                Glad to see I'm not the only idiot to have electrocuted myself

