When I was about 9 I was in a big department store with my mum and dad. I stopped to look at the skateboards, and didn't realise my parents had carried on. I start balling, one of the assistants comes up to help me, and there ends up being an announcement on the store tannoy system something like this..... "Could the parents of ..... ..... (left blank to hide the shame) please come to the toy department where their son has been found." When they got back I was still crying, but by now I had been given a lollipop by the shop in an attempt to shut me up.
Embarrassing and extremely funny when I look back now, but at the time I was bricking it. I remember my big sister taking the mickey out of me for weeks after.
Embarrassing and extremely funny when I look back now, but at the time I was bricking it. I remember my big sister taking the mickey out of me for weeks after.
