Me & my brother had a Denys Fisher Spirotot, which was probably made not long before the brand disappeared.
Parker Brothers were an American company who mostly made board games, which later merged with Kenner.
My sister had a Shana ride on toy car, with a dummy steering wheel not connected to the front wheels!
Ban Dai are Japanese & still around, they seem to specialise in action figures.
No announcement yet.
Brands that kids no longer recognise
Denys Fisher seemed to appear on the toy pages of very early Argos catalogues (1973-1976), although I don't really remember them myself - I assumed that they went out of business by the early 1980s.
I thought that Parker did those domino-type (Triominoes?) toys, and robot-kind of toys? And they were, I believe, the same company as Parker pens?
Ideal did so many toys in the early to mid 1980s - the brand name reminded me of a friend I had at school who had the similar name of Adeel! An Ideal friend...
Gait Toys made me think of sub-Postman Pat toy Post Offices for some reason.
Shana (or Sheena?) Toys had their logos in Argos catalogue toy pages from the late 1970s to mid 1980s - they had a blue and white logo with a chevron pointing downwards. Things that one rode in was what they did - could have been an Argos-only brand?
And of course, the Welsh-sounding Ban Dai (or Bandai).
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Originally posted by George 1978 View Post
Palitoy also got a few back-page Look in adverts back in the day.
The ad breaks during Saturday morning kids' TV were always the place to spot these:
Peter Pan Playthings (started a thread on here about them - they did a few board game spin-offs of many ITV game shows: PYCR, 321, etc).
Action GT (always reminds me of Mr Pop).
Mattel seem to be having a low profile these days, ditto Playskool.
Ones I remember:
Kiddiekraft - Mostly under 5s toys, my sister had a few things from then.
Buddy L
Denis Fisher
Parker Brothers
Crown & Andrews
Galt Toys
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Originally posted by Semi42 View PostWaddingtons.
chad valley
The ad breaks during Saturday morning kids' TV were always the place to spot these:
Peter Pan Playthings (started a thread on here about them - they did a few board game spin-offs of many ITV game shows: PYCR, 321, etc).
Action GT (always reminds me of Mr Pop).
Mattel seem to be having a low profile these days, ditto Playskool.
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I thought that Chad Valley was a relatively new brand (late 1990s-ish) - one of those exclusively invented by Argos, but as I saw over on, I think Wikipedia, it was a Woolworths brand for many years.
Growing up in the 1980s, regional companies were one of those examples, old editions of Look In kept in the classroom cupboard, and Channel 4 repeats of Worzel on Sunday mornings circa 1987 had made me aware of Southern TV.
Rediffusion was another example - I can just about remember their TV rental shops, but it took me until 1992 when I watched the 1960s editions of TV Heaven (also on Channel 4) that they also made ITV programmes as well.
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Originally posted by Semi42 View PostWaddingtons.
chad valley
Triang is a brand I can only just remember from when I was young, my Mum reckoned they went bust because their toys were so well made that they were passed down through families rather than generating repeat sales!
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Brands that kids no longer recognise
There are certain brands that kids recognise and consider prominent. What brands were very prominent for kids in the 1970s, 80s, 90s, but kids today no longer recognise, or if they do recognise them, they are no longer anywhere near as prominent as they were in bygone decades.
Some examples from the 1990s are:
Rover cars were ubiquitous but are now an increasingly rare sight on the roads. They are to kids today what Humber and Wolseley were to my generation.
SEGA. Still exists as a producer of games but no longer as prominent as it was when you could buy SEGA consoles.
Nokia. There was a time in the late 1990s and early 2000s when Nokia was considered the best make of mobile phone, and everything else was an imitation.
Hitachi / Sanyo / Amstrad / Mitsubishi. Does anybody still have any products from these manufacturers in everyday use? Even JVC seem to just be associated with projectors and headphones. Panasonic with microwaves.
Acorn. Archimedes computers were used in almost every school.
Raleigh bikes. Still around but nowhere as prominent as they once were. About 1 in 3 kids at my primary school owned a Raleigh.
CITV. It now has it's own dedicated channel but, unlike CBBC, it's very much a faded brand compared to the years when it was on regional ITV in the afternoon.
Regional ITV companies.
BT. Still around but it's presence seems to have diminished. Also Cellnet (now O2) and One 2 One (now T-Mobile).Tags: None
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