Can you remember it? What you'd heard about it!? One of my abiding memories is all my mates said they where going to wear tiesthe "thin-way" ... only a samll handfull did and anyway first day the Teachers said "anyone wearing their tie in such a fashion will be made to change it and re-tie it properly after in their Form-Room" ......
That stringent policy of it not being allowed to have your tie as so lasted for about 3 weeks and loads of us took it turns to "risk it" as so in the first few weeks. Dunno how they thought they could enforce it though when nearly every other kid in every other year had their ties as so
That stringent policy of it not being allowed to have your tie as so lasted for about 3 weeks and loads of us took it turns to "risk it" as so in the first few weeks. Dunno how they thought they could enforce it though when nearly every other kid in every other year had their ties as so