Re: School yard games
we used to play PEGS basically you made goal post against a wall with wooden pegs and the aim was to knock the pegs over with a tennis ball standing from 6ft away and you where in two teams .Once you had knocked the pegs over you had to run away before the other team hit you with the tennis ball the aim was to get back to the pegs and put them up again befour all your team got hit out with the ball.Anyone else heard of that game or was it summet we just played in sheffield,KICKCAN was anouther favourite there was allways a empty can around.FIREBALL basically u stood still and let a person throw a ball at you sounds stupid lol but i have great memorys of playtime at school and the summer holidays.
we used to play PEGS basically you made goal post against a wall with wooden pegs and the aim was to knock the pegs over with a tennis ball standing from 6ft away and you where in two teams .Once you had knocked the pegs over you had to run away before the other team hit you with the tennis ball the aim was to get back to the pegs and put them up again befour all your team got hit out with the ball.Anyone else heard of that game or was it summet we just played in sheffield,KICKCAN was anouther favourite there was allways a empty can around.FIREBALL basically u stood still and let a person throw a ball at you sounds stupid lol but i have great memorys of playtime at school and the summer holidays.
