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Your favourite School year

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  • Pussywillow
    Re: Your favourite School year

    I do not understand the title of this thread.

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  • 80sChav
    Re: Your favourite School year

    I had 9and still too) retain a love/hate relationship about First Year at secondary (or Year 7 in Today's currency)

    Admitted as I have said - like many others on here I was bullied for everything - aka being a loaner, not fitting in 9and when i did follow the crowd with what I did, cos they asked me to) they rejected me - but if somebody had gfiven me a Crystal Ball to be Mystic Meg either at 4 yerars old or at 18/20 - which is amazing as I can not still believe 1996/1997 was only 4 years after leaving Secondary and only 6 after Margret Thatcher only imposed the dreaded Poll Tax - to put thoise 3 years in relation to Secondary School is too cosmic dust-fied/hazy-fied for words for me - given at age 20 that was 1997 and I had my 21st in 98

    Though yeah going back to the Crystal Ball - if I only could have seen/listened to what someone said, I'd have done First Year and 2nd so, so differently - not be wimpy etc as I was and letting my Year-group and older Years bully me I'd sure have been different about it! Too though on the other side of the coin too - Year 7 and 8 for/to me (but Year 8 first 6 months) was really "Boys Own Stuff" and that is no word of a lie at all - it's so like my Step-Dad says about his Fishing days of his late Teens/20s - me and about 6 of us mates was so, so close as mates and we alternated with each other as MBF (male best friends) every wek if not every day! True there was jelousy at divisions arrising in each 2 lads' Camp - but that taught me so much ..... until the inevitable rotten Year 9

    Then after that I met my best, best best made of my first 1/12 years of my life probably 4 times after leaving that school in 1990 in the Years 1995 (twice) and another Year in-between (I've forgot which) and 2005/2006 and possibly 2 phone-calls .... but hey that's life like Football and it's Swings and Roundabouts are lol


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  • marc
    Re: Your favourite School year

    The last year in primary (junior) school, 1977-78. A lovely young teacher, Miss Billington, we were her very first class after she qualified has a teacher. It was a really great year. The last year we had fun and games in the school yard.

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  • 80sChav
    Re: Your favourite School year

    Originally posted by George 1978 View Post
    Year 9 (1991-1992) - a good combination of teachers who were there at the time, and could get on with, and in June 1992 my nephew was born which helped with what was happening, and so I thought of it as being positive. Then came Year 10 in September that year - some good teachers left or retired, and things were not as good as the previous year.
    I think I'd go Year 9 too George - though as with most things I change like the wind

    In Year 7 I dreamed of being in with the tough guys of Year 11 - then in Year 10/11 wanted to be back in Year 7 tbh!!


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  • George 1978
    Re: Your favourite School year

    Year 9 (1991-1992) - a good combination of teachers who were there at the time, and could get on with, and in June 1992 my nephew was born which helped with what was happening, and so I thought of it as being positive. Then came Year 10 in September that year - some good teachers left or retired, and things were not as good as the previous year.

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  • 80sChav
    Re: Your favourite School year

    Year 7/8 or year 11 I think I'd plump for

    I have a friend on another forum who described every year perfect pros and cons-wise ..... if can find it I shall post a similar version (suited to how I felt ) if words can be found on my part


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  • havasack
    Re: Your favourite School year

    Can't pick a year. My entire time in middle school, Sept

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  • darren
    Re: Your favourite School year

    id say my first year at primary school P1 as it was known.
    it was nerve wrecking but it was exciting meeting new people doing things id not done before.
    art,music getting bottles of milk.
    i still remember it well even now.

    but P2 P3 P4 at prrimary school where good as well.

    Originally posted by 80sChav View Post
    Be it from Primary School or Secondary? I think if I ahd to pick i'd say Year 9 9being 13/14) - a great time. You was'nt in Year 7 or 8 being 11/12 or being in Year 10/11 with Exam Stress. A good all round year I think that'd often pick - though Yeare 10 and 11 was good as well

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  • Richard1978
    Re: Your favourite School year

    Sorry that should read "no longer with us"

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  • HG
    Re: Your favourite School year

    Originally posted by Richard1978 View Post
    sadly no lover with us.
    pleased to hear it in primary school

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  • Richard1978
    Re: Your favourite School year

    My second to last year at primary school was probably the best school years, helped by having an easy-going teacher, sadly no lover with us.

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  • Powdered toast man
    Re: Your favourite School year

    My favourite was the last year of primary school as I had a teacher that recognised my practical and creative abilities and really encouraged me with my art and woodcraft. Then secondary school came and crushed the life out of me with 5 years of bullying, indifferent teachers and lessons consisting of copying from books, copying from photocopied handouts(why?), copying from OHP slide films and copying off the blackboard. I didn't have a good year at Secondary school

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  • Sly
    Re: Your favourite School year

    The last year before high school was really nice. Big fish in a small pond and all that. High school was realy hard as it got to the latter few years. I had to contend with all the exam stuff along with inheriting 'The c*ck of the class' status. I was honestly glad when all that ended, it was hard and the tribalism nature of inter form and school rivalries was wearing thin by the end of it all.

    EDIT REASON: Click quick post instead of go advanced.
    Last edited by Sly; 13-05-2012, 18:05.

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  • 80sChav
    started a topic Your favourite School year

    Your favourite School year

    Be it from Primary School or Secondary? I think if I ahd to pick i'd say Year 9 9being 13/14) - a great time. You was'nt in Year 7 or 8 being 11/12 or being in Year 10/11 with Exam Stress. A good all round year I think that'd often pick - though Yeare 10 and 11 was good as well