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School dinners

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  • Re: School dinners

    i didnt like school dinners had them some times when parents didnt give me butties lol


    • Re: School dinners

      im shocked by that S.D.
      id have thought for sure school dinners where better now than when we where at school.

      pre prepared food which are like ready meals in packets are not good for school dinners.

      full of additives.
      i remember in my day the dinners where made there on the day.
      you could near seem they making the dinners.

      with todays better understanding of nutrition they should no better.

      Originally posted by shilton dipper View Post
      i work in a school and dinners today aren't a patch on yesteryear's is brought in by lorries, much of it already prepared.......our cook i have to say is brill, she does her utmost to enhance a dish if it looks like its going to be quite bland........although good nutrition is essential i do think school dinners will never be as good as they once were


      • Re: School dinners

        Click image for larger version

Name:	manny.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	74.2 KB
ID:	260153 Manchester Tart (for anyone that is interested lol)


        • Re: School dinners

          very nice mate.
          Originally posted by Beach Life View Post
          [ATTACH=CONFIG]3467[/ATTACH] Manchester Tart (for anyone that is interested lol)


          • Re: School dinners

            I grew up in Scotland, so we often got haggis, neeps and tatties for school dinner - I loved it. The haggis was served in slices from a giant "sausage" encased in plastic - I remember thinking the little white bits looked like tiny teeth!
            Cheese flan made a regular appearance, as did pigs in blankets. I hated the "roast" days - cold slices of leathery beef and really nasty chewy roast potatoes and shredded overlooked cabbage, doused in gloopy gravy.
            Pink custard was de rigeur of course, also treacle sponge and chocolate sponge, semolina, prunes. Strawberry tart was my absolute favourite pudding.
            I remember thinking I'd died and gone to heaven when I graduated to secondary school where they regularly served macaroni cheese and CHIPS!!!!!


            • Re: School dinners

              Originally posted by mazzer View Post
              I grew up in Scotland, so we often got haggis, neeps and tatties for school dinner - I loved it. The haggis was served in slices from a giant "sausage" encased in plastic - I remember thinking the little white bits looked like tiny teeth!
              Cheese flan made a regular appearance, as did pigs in blankets. I hated the "roast" days - cold slices of leathery beef and really nasty chewy roast potatoes and shredded overlooked cabbage, doused in gloopy gravy.
              Pink custard was de rigeur of course, also treacle sponge and chocolate sponge, semolina, prunes. Strawberry tart was my absolute favourite pudding.
              I remember thinking I'd died and gone to heaven when I graduated to secondary school where they regularly served macaroni cheese and CHIPS!!!!!
              Same here. We never had chips in primary school but suddenly there was a choice of chips with stuff like beans and fish fingers and pizza in high school. It was another world!
              1976 Vintage


              • Re: School dinners

                I still cringe when I think of that greasy, soggy abomination called school cafeteria pizza. It damn near put me off pizza entirely.


                • Re: School dinners

                  I thought school dinners were bad in primary school, but in high school they were complete *rse. I always feel looking back on it that feeding kids when I was in school was a problem they palmed off to the person that could feed a school for the least money.


                  • Re: School dinners

                    Originally posted by Trickyvee View Post
                    There's much talk of Manchester tart and mint custard in this thread, two things we never had at school. Must say they sound nice.

                    Having serving trays sounds interesting. We had plates (plastic in various pastel shades) and multicoloured transparent plastic beakers that were always stacked next to a big jug of water on each table. Looking for floaty bits in the water before we started was always a big deal.

                    We had spoon wars as some were new and shiny but others were ancient gold coloured things full of scratches and nobody ever wanted them. If you has a shiny one common practice was to breathe on it so nobody else would nick it!
                    I myself had never heard of Manchester Tart until now but I decided to have a go at making one.


                    • Re: School dinners

                      In all my school years I probably had a school dinner less than 10 times.
                      I far preferred a packed lunch.
                      They were OK at primary, but at secondary they were terrible, plus the moody cooks & dinner ladies didn't help much.


                      • Re: School dinners

                        At primary school I tried both a packed lunch & school dinners, eventually settling on hot meals as they were served at the start of lunch rather then having to wait until halfway through lunch to have sandwiches.

                        At secondary school I stuck with a packed lunch because the queue for hot dinners was really long, 20 minutes at least to get served.
                        The Trickster On The Roof


                        • Re: School dinners

                          [QUOTE=victorbrunswick;177936]I myself had never heard of Manchester Tart until now but I decided to have a go at making one.


                          Now that looks nice! Pretty easy to make too by the looks of things. I'm inspired. That's my Sat afternoon sorted.
                          1976 Vintage


                          • Re: School dinners

                            I found it a bit sweeter than what I'm used to. Next time I'll have to use a little less raspberry jam.


                            • Re: School dinners

                              And here's the recipe I used.


                              • Re: School dinners

                                at our primary school we got to choose either a hot dinner or a cold dinner, cold dinners were ok but at Christmas time they were a joke, everyone else was eating turkey with gravy and roast tatties (potatoes to non scots), and what did cold dinners get - a fecking cold hot dog, are you sh*tting me? that was the last time i had a cold dinner at xmas lol

                                but all year round i loved everything the schools served up, and yet you'd always hear people saying how much school dinners sucked lol

