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Going Home in E kit if you was so lucky to have PE Last lesson

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  • Going Home in E kit if you was so lucky to have PE Last lesson

    WAs you allwoed to do this or did it regardless

    1) It was certainly a no-no at both my Schools, but must've felt cool in the Summer Months/Warmer days and 2) I never had it last lesson so "that's that"!

  • #2
    No, we had to get dressed into uniform before leaving, and that was the end of the last lesson of the afternoon.

    There was one lad in my class who changed into his PE kit in his form room during break before making it to the PE lesson (something which we did in Primary School), but this was Comprehensive School where there were single gender changing rooms on-site. The teacher was curious to know why he was aready dressed for PE before he even entered the changing room. Never got on with him (that lad, although the PE teacher was a bit hit-and-miss as well).
    I've everything I need to keep me satisfied
    There's nothing you can do to make me change my mind
    I'm having so much fun
    My lucky number's one
    Ah! Oh! Ah! Oh!

