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School Rules

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  • #91
    Re: School Rules

    I don't remember ever seeing girls in trousers at my secondary school. I think the rule was skirts for girls, in fact I am pretty sure I read it in the handbook we were given at the start of year 1. I don't think I ever saw a female teacher wearing trousers apart from the girls' games mistress who wore a tracksuit. This was in the 70s--1973-1978 to be exact.


    • #92
      Re: School Rules

      When i started school 79 or 80 in all my yrs at school cant think of any occasions where female pupils or teachers wore trousers.
      Cant recall having any female p.e. Teach

      Cant remember getting a handbook.

      Skirts just suit female pupils and teachers

      Originally posted by staffslad View Post
      i don't remember ever seeing girls in trousers at my secondary school. I think the rule was skirts for girls, in fact i am pretty sure i read it in the handbook we were given at the start of year 1. I don't think i ever saw a female teacher wearing trousers apart from the girls' games mistress who wore a tracksuit. This was in the 70s--1973-1978 to be exact.


      • #93
        Re: School Rules

        At my school, girls and boys had separate teachers for games/P.E. a male teacher for boys and a female one for the girls. Also, although girls and boys had games/P.E. at the same time, there was zero interaction between the sexes. The boys would be playing football or something similar under the supervision of the male teacher, and the girls would be playing rounders, netball or similar under the supervision of the female teacher.

        'Handbook' probably makes what we were given sound a bit grander than what it actually was: a set of photocopied A4 sheets bent over into A5 and stapled to keep it together.


        • #94
          Re: School Rules

          Originally posted by darren View Post
          When i started school 79 or 80 in all my yrs at school cant think of any occasions where female pupils or teachers wore trousers.
          Cant recall having any female p.e. Teach

          Cant remember getting a handbook.

          Skirts just suit female pupils and teachers
          Me neither re; the Trousers Darren mate, par may-be the very odd Teacher (say 1 in Ten), though I think my Maths Teacher - a lady who was new to here from India wore them - though that would be to observe Religous Beliefs I think/believe

          I don't know if I am alone in the thread above, but obviously for sciebce we had to tuck our Ties in the Shirt in-case it got caught on a Bunson Burner or a Chemistry experiment - but this neverr applied to other practical subjects at both my Schools - where it could have become damaged etc. It was as if they did not care for your clothes otherwise par science (though we never hadd proper-true safety equipment anyway) mind

          i recall on this though - because the Teachers hated us otherwise tucking the whole Tie in the Shirt in other lessons - we went from 1 extreme to the other in Scienhces and either just showed the Tie knot alone or tucked it in in a silly way - just like Approns in Art how people wore them daft! When you think of the daft crazers and rules at School now it sure makes me reflect (and think I am glad I went through all this) what with Red Tape and the like Today kids will know nothing/experience no daft-silly rules etc (or far, far few-er)!!!



          • #95
            Re: School Rules

            I remember in the sixth form pointing out to my House Master* that there was no mention of farting in either the House Rules or the School Rules. I had researched this thoroughly because - although I am very civilised now (cough, cough) in those days I prided myself on my farts. He had to admit that I was right about this. ...

            [*It was an all-male boarding school divided into Houses, each with its own House Master.]


            • #96
              Re: Strange School Rules

              Originally posted by Marine Boy View Post
              But showering after games in secondary was enforced, and many of us used to think it was a bit weird how one games master used to stand over you till you were completely undressed and in the shower.

              If you got to the changing rooms before the teacher, you could wet your hair and insist, "Look sir, I did have a shower!"
              One of my games masters used to behave in that way and be incredibly strict when he was 'supervising' the changing rooms. There was an occasion - I think I was around 17 at the time - when he stood over me and I let out an incredibly loud fart, to howls of hilarity and feigned disgust around me. The master in question turned bright red, shouted and bellowed but actually saw the funny sided and actually laughed despite himself.


              • #97
                Re: School Rules

                Way back '69 when I was aged eight I was in primary school where the boy's uniform included shorts

                One snowy winter day Mum sent me to school in jeans

                Mr Shackelton (he committed suicide a few years later so I will name him lol) sent me home in the snow to change into shorts. Mum took me back to school to complain telling him he was an idiot. It totally embarrassed him
                Do you really believe the other side without provocation would launch so many ICBM's, subs and ships knowing that we would have no option to launch as well? It would break our MAD Treaty (Mutually Assured Destruction) not to mention the end of the world as we know it.


                • #98
                  Re: School Rules

                  One stupid rule in the comprehensive school. If you came to school without our tie, you would be sent home to get it, then report to the year head on your return. It was eventually scrapped....most went home, not returning until the following day.

                  Not exactly a rule, but during a school inspection, everybody had to be on their best behaviour. No running in any building. No screaming, shouting or yelling on the school premises. This was going well until one particular inspection....a fight broke out between two girls. It was like a stampede, with kids yelling and running like idiots.....right past the office where all the year heads, school head and inspector were having a meeting. We never found out what was written in his report.
                  Who cared about rules when you were young?


                  • #99
                    Re: School Rules

                    Originally posted by marc View Post
                    One stupid rule in the comprehensive school. If you came to school without our tie, you would be sent home to get it, then report to the year head on your return. It was eventually scrapped....most went home, not returning until the following day.

                    Not exactly a rule, but during a school inspection, everybody had to be on their best behaviour. No running in any building. No screaming, shouting or yelling on the school premises. This was going well until one particular inspection....a fight broke out between two girls. It was like a stampede, with kids yelling and running like idiots.....right past the office where all the year heads, school head and inspector were having a meeting. We never found out what was written in his report.
                    We never had this Rule marc - the Teachers was just happy we wore them - even totaly un-knotted like so!!


                    • Re: School Rules

                      80sChav.....has long has the tie was in a knot, generally, they did not care. I hated the choker, sorry, tie. I did turn up on one occasion without the tie, just to test a certain year heads temper. He didn't bite. I just went home put the tie on and returned to school. Some kids did turn up on the last week or so without the tie. They ignored the detention.
                      Who cared about rules when you were young?


                      • Re: School Rules

                        Originally posted by marc View Post
                        80sChav.....has long has the tie was in a knot, generally, they did not care. I hated the choker, sorry, tie. I did turn up on one occasion without the tie, just to test a certain year heads temper. He didn't bite. I just went home put the tie on and returned to school. Some kids did turn up on the last week or so without the tie. They ignored the detention.
                        Interesting yer Marc - thanks for the Heads Up

                        My first Secondary was like a Cattle Shed and they gave no care to anything of our welfare at all (but I still have great memories of it), but my 2nd was way, way far stricter!



                        • Re: School Rules

                          Originally posted by 80sChav View Post
                          Interesting yer Marc - thanks for the Heads Up

                          My first Secondary was like a Cattle Shed and they gave no care to anything of our welfare at all (but I still have great memories of it), but my 2nd was way, way far stricter!

                          There were some teachers who were very strict. In general, the school I attended was strict. It was during the fourth and fifth years that most of us were fed up. Some of us knew full well we were not going to get good marks for our final exams. We would have been better off if we could have left school at thirteen or fourteen and learned a trade.

                          Some of the strictest teachers were nothing but a joke to us in the end. One teacher in particular acted like a senior Waffen SS officer. He was strict uniform mad. His inspections during morning assembly were legendary. Clipboard and pen in hand, he would go from line to line inspecting us. Name taken for any uniform infringement. He would have several pages of paper going back weeks with names on, just to check for the last infringement. We swear blind to this day, he was related to Hitler. He did calm it in the last couple of weeks when he realised we no longer cared.
                          Who cared about rules when you were young?


                          • Re: School Rules

                            Originally posted by marc View Post
                            80sChav.....has long has the tie was in a knot, generally, they did not care. I hated the choker, sorry, tie. I did turn up on one occasion without the tie, just to test a certain year heads temper. He didn't bite. I just went home put the tie on and returned to school. Some kids did turn up on the last week or so without the tie. They ignored the detention.
                            At my First Secondary they detested the First Years wearing just the thin part, but 2allowed" older years and at my 2nd they detested every year wearing it just the thin part out

                            Still (as may-be I have said elswhere on the Forum - but I am unsure due to being well tiered) that I am pleased I took part in the Competition - firast 2 weeks of First Year - when they extremley extremley "tried" to outlaw it and out of my Form - though I never last the whole day I did avoid a defeat in terms of being told to re-tie propery, which considering wat most of the evil brutes in my Year thought of me - that I'd cave in after 3 minutes is far from a 2Hollow Victory2 for me!

                            Last edited by 80sChav; 01-07-2018, 22:42.


                            • Originally posted by Solo View Post
                              Re: Strange School Rules

                              At my primary school, you weren't allowed to tie your school jumpers round your waist.
                              Had this at Secondary - but still tied it round our waist!

                              Same with wearing your Tie like a Snake - totally un-fastened - we all did that at Secondary


                              • Originally posted by darren View Post
                                Re: The Worst Rules you had

                                i can remember not being allowed to open the windows on real hot days.
                                we where all baking alive.
                                Or take your Blazer or Jumper off - which acted as a Blazer at my 2nd Secondary or even roll your Shirt Sleeves up, though that looked so cool and still is in a Formal shirt imho Daz mate

