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Electricity Pylons

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  • George 1978
    Did anyone used to get scared half to death when those Play Safe PIFs on electricity pylons were shown in the 1980s? The ones where Brian "Mr Barraclough from Porridge" Wilde narrated. The Charley Live video compilations gave them a date of 1979-1980, so I am certain that they were shown on Saturdays and school holiday mornings in between Sesame Street and cartoons.

    Central certainly used to show it after No 73 and Get Fresh in the mid 1980s and yes, it was alarming at the time, but thankfully I was not scared for life. They are on YouTube of course...

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  • W1 Rover
    From a distance they can have a certain charm, on train journeys many moons ago we used to refer to them as striding giants. On a darker note I remember hearing how a family friend lost a loved one. The young lad took it upon himself to use a pylon as a climbing frame. He was electrocuted and caused a power cut in one of the suburbs of Glasgow. I'll spare you any further details.
    These days unless you have special forces training or some kind of warped idea of what adventure sports entail then your pretty unlikley to come to any harm.
    Health and safety isn't always such a bad thing.

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  • Semi42
    during damp and Misty days , you could hear the pylons buzzing in the field where I used to walk my dog.

    There was a photo knocking around where there’s fluorescent tubes stuck vertical in the ground near pylons with them all lit up
    ive always wondered if it was a hoax.

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  • George 1978
    How many people used to see an electricity pylon when they were younger and thought it was just like Blackpool Tower or even the Eifel Tower?

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  • Borderdec
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    Last edited by Borderdec; 25-07-2021, 20:54.

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  • Moonraker
    Re: Electricity Pylons

    No thanks.
    There has been extensive research relating to living near power lines and leukaemia in children.

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  • Twocky61
    Re: Electricity Pylons

    That's probably it George; the lines would be ploughed up if they ran the lines under farmers fields

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  • George 1978
    Re: Electricity Pylons

    When I think of electricity pylons, I either think of Harvey Brant's sub-trainspotters' Pylon of the Month website, of those Play Safe PIFs narrated by the late Brian "Mr Barrowclough" Wilde.

    I assume that we have pylons in the countryside because it isn't really possible to carry electricity underground like in towns and cities?

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  • Twocky61
    started a topic Electricity Pylons

    Electricity Pylons

    Believe it or not you can have an electricity pylon in your garden

    The national grid pay you rent for you hosting a electricity pylon on your land