Re: What was your first mobile phone?
This is my first Mobile (Sony CM-R111), still in its box:

It was on Cellnet and I got it in 1994 (I think). It was quite small for the time (especially compared to the suitcase "field radio" things my bro had in the 80s) and a fun phone, except there was no screen so you even had to remember which numbers you'd put where on speed-dial!
This is my first Mobile (Sony CM-R111), still in its box:

It was on Cellnet and I got it in 1994 (I think). It was quite small for the time (especially compared to the suitcase "field radio" things my bro had in the 80s) and a fun phone, except there was no screen so you even had to remember which numbers you'd put where on speed-dial!
