Hi guys, it's great to be here. I found this place as I'm currently on a retro vibe concerning toys. My sis has had a gorgeous little girl and I'm trying to buy her all the toys I loved as a kid. Me and sis would love her to have the classics rather than just modern stuff.
This is such an interesting website. My other interests are mainly Ancient Egypt and Formula 1.
I want to say sorry to the people in charge here as I've tried to make a post and didn't notice that posts have to be checked before being shown, and I've tried to post it twice duh!
Feel free to say hello any time.

This is such an interesting website. My other interests are mainly Ancient Egypt and Formula 1.
I want to say sorry to the people in charge here as I've tried to make a post and didn't notice that posts have to be checked before being shown, and I've tried to post it twice duh!
Feel free to say hello any time.
