Hello, you lot. Warm_Puppy here. Nick, actually - my parents were not quite to savage as to call me Warm_Puppy.
I've been browsing this site for ages, and really should get involved. No time like the present. I dropped into the world in 1976, had a great time for the first couple of decades or so, and then ended up having to do this thing called 'work' people kept telling me about. No wonder I live in the last so much!
Still; you all seem like a great bunch, and I can't wait to start chatting about older and better days with you all, when Marathon, Opal Fruits and Quatro were still on the shelves, TV shut down at night and computer games came on cassette and took about 29083 hours to load.
I've been browsing this site for ages, and really should get involved. No time like the present. I dropped into the world in 1976, had a great time for the first couple of decades or so, and then ended up having to do this thing called 'work' people kept telling me about. No wonder I live in the last so much!
Still; you all seem like a great bunch, and I can't wait to start chatting about older and better days with you all, when Marathon, Opal Fruits and Quatro were still on the shelves, TV shut down at night and computer games came on cassette and took about 29083 hours to load.