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Howdydoo Everybody Peeps

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  • Howdydoo Everybody Peeps

    Hello hello hello one and all, I was amazed to find this absolutely wonderful web site of yours, it is just the place I was looking for to get my questions answered about lots of stuff and anything with that retro feeling, and also maybe add some of my little bit of Knowledge to the amazing list of subjects all you fantastic guys and giggles have put together,
    Im so glad to have found you HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY

  • #2
    Re: Howdydoo Everybody Peeps

    Ooops im such a silly billy
    Forgot to add something about myself, I go by the name of B D , as those are the first two letters of my first and second name and all my friends (and now you too ) call me Bigdog or you can use my username ZARDOZ, if you like ,
    I like to collect lots of stuff but mainly old vintage paper stuff like old sweet wrappers , crisp packets, vintage kitchen product packaging ,old tins (underground overground wombling free) my favourite ones at the moment are old soap powder boxes from the 50`s, like OMO, SURF, PERSIL, SUNLIGHT, LUX, OXYDOL, DREFT, RINSO, TIDE, FLASH, FAIRBANK'S 'GOLD DUST', WW11 'SUPER SUDS' there maybe one iv missed out but im sure you will point me in the right direction,
    I cant tell you how pleased I am to have found you i feel like such a lucky larry


    • #3
      Re: Howdydoo Everybody Peeps

      Welcome on Board

      Feel very welcome to post pics of any 70',80's or 90's crisp packets and sweet wrappers


      • #4
        Re: Howdydoo Everybody Peeps

        *ROFL* Good morning and welcome B D !!

        I can see we have a right one here , going to keep us all on our toes
        Joybee - DYR SUPERGRAN !!
        <<< why not visit our main website


        • #5
          Re: Howdydoo Everybody Peeps

          hi bigdog & welcome!

          If you collect those kinds of things you're a perfect match for this forum



          Visit us here:


          • #6
            Re: Howdydoo Everybody Peeps

            Well what can I say, thank you to you boys and giggles for such a sweety warmy welcome, its so nice to have such friendly messages and me only being here a few moments , its nicy nicy,
            I assume ,(maybe wrongly) that you are a girls Joybee and Huggie and that Rosso is a boy , I dont want to get it wrong on my first day at school
            Im aways getting things wrong and jumping to conclusions, so hope i dont make a twit of myself,

            I dont have many friends outside of the internet so im happy to make lots of new friends here, I was brought up in a very big family ( lots of boys and girls around around, (bit like BAGGIE TROUSERS by Madness) there where 9 of us kids in a 3 bedroom house , Can you imagine, 9 kids in 2 bedrooms, boys in one, girls in the other, do you know , I didnt know what it was like to sleep on my own untill I got married,

            It was a council houseback in the late 50`s early 60`s Quite posh I suppose cos it was detached, well it wasnt detached as such, it was falling away from the house next door, but you know what I mean,
            I didnt have many toys as a kid so Im making up for it now by collecting old vintage toys and books and stuff to make up for it,I remember one day my dad said to me "what would you like for your birthday B D " I said " Daddy I would like something to wear and something to play with" so he bought me a pair of trousers and he cut the pockets out?

            I didnt have any proper clothes untill I was 6 years old, My nannie bought my first school uniform from the " Army and Navy Stores" can you imagine , 6 years of age going to school dressed up like a Japanese General

            So thats a little bit about me not very interesting but im looking forward to looking at the toys and memorabilia you have collected here cos I luv old stuff , not having lots of toys when I was a lad made me a compulsive collector later in life, Every Christmas My dad yould give me an empty box and tell me it was a special one, he called it an Action Man deserter, thats why I hate dolls for boys now, It reminds my of sad christmas`s, and its a bit weird, dolls for girls yes , but boys !!!!!!Eeeewwwww

            Anyway its a bit long winded but Thansk you for the warm welcome you guys and BIG HUGS all round
            Last edited by ZARDOZ; 04-02-2009, 04:00.


            • #7
              Re: Howdydoo Everybody Peeps

              Hi,how are you?
              Having a Twilight Zone moment,I've talked to you in a previous life
              Last edited by frame; 04-02-2009, 07:51.
              "poor is the man who's pleasures depend on the permission of another"


              • #8
                Re: Howdydoo Everybody Peeps

                Hi, i just have 2 questions for you.
                1. What have you been smoking?
                2. Can i have some?
                "Ah, nostalgia ain't what it used to be..."


                • #9
                  Re: Howdydoo Everybody Peeps

                  Thank you chaps,you could be right frame, been about on the old WWW for an age now , been in and out of lots of Forums so my posts may be familiar, nice to meet you

                  Stevef , sorry I gave that up in the late 60`s but I married my supplier so i could get you some if you really wanted it


                  • #10
                    Re: Howdydoo Everybody Peeps

                    the old ones are the best
                    Last edited by rossobantam; 04-02-2009, 13:59.


                    Visit us here:


                    • #11
                      Re: Howdydoo Everybody Peeps

                      Originally posted by ZARDOZ View Post
                      ... I didnt know what it was like to sleep on my own untill I got married..

                      That's when I started to sleep on my own as well


                      Visit us here:


                      • #12
                        Re: Howdydoo Everybody Peeps

                        You have had me in stitches!
                        I swear I have been wiping tears from my eyes!

