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I'm a 90's kid

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  • I'm a 90's kid

    Hi all

    I'm 20, and I've joined this forum because i remember some kids tv show, that nobody else seems to remember. I'm sure it was real though.

    This site has reminded me of my innocent childhood again. Most of the tv shows i remember, but i've just been super excited about the toys. Sure there was pokemon, pogs, tazos, pogs etc, but then there's some of the lesser recalled stuff; koosh balls, mighty max to name a couple.

    Its made me realised that i'm probably in the last generation to play with toys, which in my opinion, is a very sad thing. Looking at all these toys had me amazed at how i spent my childhood...marble run for example; you build up a tower, put a marble in the top and then watch it fall to the bottom. Take the stuff apart, build another one and do it all over again...hours of fun!!!

    I am guilty of playing computer games too. Still have my mega drive, and ps1, and get them out for a binge every now and then!!! Sure there's plenty of other toys hiding in my house somewhere

    I want to get my hands on a pop up pirate and screwball scramble now. They would be interesting things to have in my student house

  • #2
    Re: I'm a 90's kid

    Hiya Mintee

    Welcome to DYR - enjoy


    • #3
      Re: I'm a 90's kid



      • #4
        Re: I'm a 90's kid

        Hiya Mintee! Welcome to DYR.

        'Dreams come true if you want them to'


        • #5
          Re: I'm a 90's kid

          Hello and welcome Mintee


          • #6
            Re: I'm a 90's kid

            hello Mintee! i still have my mega drive as well, and bring it out every once and again for a game, thought i was the only one, lol! i remember pogs and tazos as well, they were great fun, couldnt wait till playtime at school to open up my packet of crisps to search for them, lol! oh good memories!


            • #7
              Re: I'm a 90's kid

              Tazos! I loved collecting the ones with Bugs Bunny & crew on them, I remember loads of us trying to complete the set in school. Me and a mate did pretty well, in the end we needed a Taz of Tazmania one to complete the set but unfortunately we never managed to do it. I think I'm yet to get over it! I even remember sending off for a binder to put them all in, they were available from Tescos but I seem to remember them being very hard to get hold of as the Walkers Tazos became incredibly popular.

              On the subject of Walker's Tazos does anybody recall the Golden Tazo competition? Walkers placed a handfull of 'golden' Tazos into selected bags of crisps and finding one would entitle you to a cash prize. There was a story in the paper of somebody finding one of these golden Tazos only for Walkers to turn round and tell them it was a mistake and would not be handing over a prize. How gutted would you be?


              • #8
                Re: I'm a 90's kid

                There was no prize because the tazo was a fake and he got disqualified from getting the prize.i seem to remember that one.

