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First Job
Re: First Job
Apart from the usual holiday jobs(fruit and potato picking) my first real job was as a draughtsman(apprentice) in an architects office for the princely sum of £400 squid a year(yes a year!!!!) My boss would always tell me how lucky I was as previous apprenices had to pay him for the privilage of working with the firm, seemingly common practice to learn a "profession"The eyes have it!
Re: First Job
oooh MANX QUEENIES! sorry spiral but its been too long since I had those in a little restaurant down in Douglas. Blowed if I can recall the name of the restaurant but the taste of the garlic soaked queenies........ yumyums!
First job was as a volunteer at the local college for adults with cerebral palsy..... I managed one shift, tipped one guy out of his wheelchair on the street, spilled a bed pan over another... decided to cut and run!
Then as I left school at 16... no 'a' levels allowed as step father insisted I started to pay housekeeping.... started at the local psychiatric hospital on a YTS for £25...... what an education for the young innocent I was! Put me off illegal drugs for life!
Then it was off to my local chemist as a pharmacy assistant for £46 a week... Moved into a granny flat for £25 week rent all inclusive.
19th January 1987 I entered th Royal Albert Hospital in Lancaster as a student RNMH and left there for the sunny Manx shores in 1990 as a Registred Nurse Mental Handicap.... 'learning difficulties' is the pc term for the present.
And now still using the qualification in Brum.
~*~*~*~*~sighs big fluffy thought balloons of one day opening the breast feeding cafe~*~*~*~*~*~sigpicMrs Oggy~~~*~~~*~~~Count your friends amongst the stars....And your enemies on the fingers of one foot!
Re: First Job
left school at christmas 1985, got a job as apprentice welder 21st jan 1996 at a local firm building refrigerated transport
Gray and Adams Ltd. manufacturers of refrigerated trailers and bodies :: Home
The place was a sweat factorybut I stuck it out for 20 years
left 21st jan 2006. currently working offshore on oil installation'sDON'T TELL HIM YOUR NAME PIKE!!
Re: First Job
My first work experiance was at my local library in september 1993.
At college I had a work placement at a travel company in the same building, I was there about 6 months in 1997, mostly filing paperwork.
My first full time job was for a car insurance company starting on 9/12/1998. I worked there as an admin assistant, it had some good & bad points over the 16 months I was there.The Trickster On The Roof
Re: First Job
My first job was as a 'saturday boy' in a local hairdressers. I was 14 and it was 1987 and my wage was £3 a day plus bus fair. I must have been mad!
My first real job was on a Y.T.S at Saks in Durham city. It was 1989 and my wage was £29.50 a week plus my travel!Heaven knows I'm miserable now.
Re: First Job
1978 I worked Sundays for 4 hours at Preedys in Bewdley (Newsagents) and took home £2 (50p p/h)
First Mon to Fri job was an Assurance Clerk for Sun-Life in Solihull.
In 1979 I took home under £200 a month.
In 1980, I left, to join the Royal Navy.I go back to the original Jethro Tull - Yes! The seed drill inventor!
Re: First Job
I never had a paper round. I was on a waiting list and was first reserve so used to get phoned at ridiculous o'clock some mornings because somebody hadn't turned up. Waited 3 years for my own round and by the time one came up I was already working part time at Tesco whilst I was at college. My first pay packet was £17 for 16 hours in August 1983."GAME OVER MAN, GAME OVER"