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First Job

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  • #31
    Re: First Job

    My mum got me a 3 week temporary job at the DHSS (as it was called then) in Luton where she worked as soon as I left school.
    I was a bit miffed because I still wanted my school summer hols off with my mates before I looked for a proper job, but I thought I could stand 3 weeks just about!
    I ended up staying there for 9 years!
    'Dreams come true if you want them to'


    • #32
      Re: First Job

      My first job was a Sunday morning paper round, I had 2 jam packed full bags of papers and all their Sunday magazines which I could hardly carry up a huge hill AND knock on all the doors to collect the cash! Then I had to walk all the way back to the shop to take back any papers not delivered and then walk over to the owners house and sit down and count the cash!!
      I used to start at about 7.30 and finish around midday and got one measly pound note!!!
      I only lasted 7 weeks, the final week my step day came out with me to carry the bags and I ran round with the papers, it still took us all morning and by the end of it he was so exhausted that he told me I wasn't carrying on with it!
      I've said it before and I'll say it again.. Ahhhh happy days!!


      • #33
        Re: First Job

        My first job was on a yts at Baxters butchers in Ormskirk,I hated it and the boss hated me so it lasted about two weeks

