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My Dad died recently.

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  • My Dad died recently.

    My Father sadly died on the 26th of August. Had his funeral yesterday. It really is a case of remembering now...He got me into Action Force without realising it, just bought me a few as a kid, comics, Matchbox and Corgi cars, Lego, toy soldiers, Action Man, whenever I look at those things I remember him....

  • #2
    Re: My Dad died recently.

    Sorry to hear about your loss sf.

    Its lucky that you have enough memory triggers to remind you of times you shared, people who say throw this and that away regardless of sentiment value really are cold. I still have and remember the day my gran gave me starsky and hutch ceramic heads, every time i look at them i remember that day.


    • #3
      Re: My Dad died recently.

      Sorry to hear your sad news


      • #4
        Re: My Dad died recently.

        My condolences. Your Dad sounded like a marvellous man.


        • #5
          Re: My Dad died recently.

          He was. I was once sat on a small ledge with my Mum and Sister having been to Tesco's as a 4 year old on a warm Summers evening afternoon, we were waiting for Dad who'd finished work early I think, or Mum may have seen him in the distance and stopped for him to catch up. When he came over he suddenly gave me a Matchbox Rol-A-matics Wild Life Truck, it was a Ford Pick Up truck in white with amber glass windows in white colour with zebra stripes on the side. On the back was a clear covering with a toffee coloured Lion on a yellow circular turntable. As you pushed the small truck the lion would rotate round as if padding about....Lost the cover, the lion and the truck but never forgot that day....


          • #6
            Re: My Dad died recently.

            Hi there SF, yes, my condolences too. You will remember little memories like that. It is 6 years ago I lost my Dad. My Dad got me interested in planes and cars.

            Nice that he is remembered like this.

            All the very best.


            • #7
              Re: My Dad died recently.

              Thank You. I remember after Mum died in 2005 he'd buy me anything really. Once he paid £165 for an extremely rare Palitoy Action Man dressed in a German Paratrooper uniform. The outfit was by a short lived licencee called TSUKUDA, they released 3 outfits at the time Palitoy ceased trading in Action Man over here, releasing them only in Japan, hence the rarity. There were 3 dressed Eagle Eye dolls of a U.S. MARINE, U.S. GREEN BERET and the GERMAN FALLSCHRIMJAGER ('Sky Hunter' to give its proper Germanic translation, or Paratrooper). The last one was the only WW2 outfit in the small range. They also simultaneously sold 3 boxed outfit versions with slight variations to the equipment the dolls didn't have. The boxes were extremely different and plain but the logo was the same. Mine came on a former Mail Away Action Man all in perfect as new condition....


              • #8
                Re: My Dad died recently.

                Originally posted by sf1378 View Post
                My Father sadly died on the 26th of August. Had his funeral yesterday. It really is a case of remembering now...He got me into Action Force without realising it, just bought me a few as a kid, comics, Matchbox and Corgi cars, Lego, toy soldiers, Action Man, whenever I look at those things I remember him....
                Hi mate can i just say im very sad to hear this awful news.
                Whatever you do keep these things he bought you like action force, matchbox and corgi cars as these will keep your memories of your dad alive.

                My thoughts are with you at this sad time.



                • #9
                  Re: My Dad died recently.

                  Sorry about your dad.You obviously got on a lot better with yours than i did with mine.
                  (mine died almost 2 years ago and i don't miss him )


                  • #10
                    Re: My Dad died recently.

                    Originally posted by darren View Post
                    Hi mate can i just say im very sad to hear this awful news.
                    Whatever you do keep these things he bought you like action force, matchbox and corgi cars as these will keep your memories of your dad alive.

                    My thoughts are with you at this sad time.

                    Theres loads of stuff currently in the living room surrounding me...I usually display stuff to distract me or cheer me up. I have a lot of what he bought me as a child but also copies I bought off ebay i.e. vintage Lego sets like these:




                    This particular set was my very first. My late Mum bought it for me, she gave Dad the cash to go and get a set for me as my Dads brother had come over from Sri Lanka and bought a few sets for his kids and Mum felt a bit miffed me didn't get me anything! Mum made Dad and my Uncle trapse back into town and they came back with this...having copies of these sets, and many others I wanted as a child is comforting....



                    • #11
                      Re: My Dad died recently.

                      I feel for you. Generational change. I lost Mum 3 years ago. And to her I give thanks ( and Dad for the cash) for the wonderful array of quality toys and also for my interest in books, music, collecting etc. I am 36 now and intersted in finding my old toys and things. Photographic memory brings back time and place when I see lego, matchbox cars. i find extreme comfort in the thames theme on the old telly shows.

                      I display items as homage to dear old mum, she did that with her Mum, too.

                      So my heart goes out to you, and though childhood items may have gone, the memories attatched bring a warm ray of loving sunshine, akin to the very first time the toy/present was opened.

                      all the best.


                      • #12
                        Re: My Dad died recently.

                        Originally posted by lucked View Post
                        I feel for you. Generational change. I lost Mum 3 years ago. And to her I give thanks ( and Dad for the cash) for the wonderful array of quality toys and also for my interest in books, music, collecting etc. I am 36 now and intersted in finding my old toys and things. Photographic memory brings back time and place when I see lego, matchbox cars. i find extreme comfort in the thames theme on the old telly shows.

                        I display items as homage to dear old mum, she did that with her Mum, too.

                        So my heart goes out to you, and though childhood items may have gone, the memories attatched bring a warm ray of loving sunshine, akin to the very first time the toy/present was opened.

                        all the best.

                        Thanks lucked.


                        • #13
                          Re: My Dad died recently.

                          Originally posted by sf1378 View Post
                          Theres loads of stuff currently in the living room surrounding me...I usually display stuff to distract me or cheer me up. I have a lot of what he bought me as a child but also copies I bought off ebay i.e. vintage Lego sets like these:




                          This particular set was my very first. My late Mum bought it for me, she gave Dad the cash to go and get a set for me as my Dads brother had come over from Sri Lanka and bought a few sets for his kids and Mum felt a bit miffed me didn't get me anything! Mum made Dad and my Uncle trapse back into town and they came back with this...having copies of these sets, and many others I wanted as a child is comforting....


                          i think its great you keep this stuff you where bought as a kid.
                          its both stuff from your childhood but its stuff you where bought by your parents.
                          its a fantastic way of honouring their memory.
                          FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                          • #14
                            Re: My Dad died recently.

                            Deeply sorry about your loss- I would've posted earlier had I seen your notice on DYR. Sincere condolences- I hope this Christmas will be at least bearable for you.


                            • #15
                              Re: My Dad died recently.

                              Thanks. I think the thread had 'run its course' which I don't mind. I'll be spending Xmas totally alone. No friends / family. I'm not that sad of it really. As long as I have the roof over my head, heating and electricity working, and eat a good meal on Xmas Day (never really been a fan of Turkey), I'll probably cook a Sri Lankan Curry with Macaroni, I'll be happy. As far as I'm concerned without Mum and Dad its not Xmas really for me. I did do Xmas in the Dordoigne in 2009 but didn't really like it - I was with my mate, his family, his girlfriend and HER family - my mates parents had only invited the Mum and Dad and they hadn't expected the whole brood. My mates Mum told me that privately as shes like me, speaking as she finds and not suffering fools...I'd only been there a day when she said that so clearly she took to me...which was nice but its not the same being an outsider and not the sort of thing I'd repeat again...

