Everybody has at least one ad. that makes them so mad they can't bear even to think about it. Mine is a beer commercial (brand not remembered) from the late '80s, set in some kind of small buisness where one of the employees is taking early retirement and going on holiday to Australia. All the workers are really objectionable- boorish, loud-mouthed 'loadsamoneys' who have clearly made a packet out of doing very little and SO pleased with themselves. The boss is the worst- crew-cutted, newly-wealthy spiv in gleaming white shirt and expensive patent leather brogues, who jumps up on his desk and delivers some gobby speech about the retiree being 'off to ride the Ozzie surf' before getting all schmaltzy about the guy's girlfriend who's sitting demurely in the background. The guy gets presented with a silver watch that has 'Surf's Up' engraved inside the casing.
The whole thing was such a crude vulgarisation of retirement send-offs- I wanted to reach through the TV screen, push that pillock off the table, tear his brogues off and beat him stupid with them!
Another ad. I hated was the early Lenor ad. from the late '70s, where the housewife is wondering whether her family will notice the difference that the fabric conditioner has made to their clothing. In the end she goes delirious and collapses laughing hysterically on the landing. For GOD'S SAKE woman, it's FABRIC CONDITIONER, not the Holy Grail! Get a life, do you seriously have an orgasm over this sort of thing??!!
The whole thing was such a crude vulgarisation of retirement send-offs- I wanted to reach through the TV screen, push that pillock off the table, tear his brogues off and beat him stupid with them!
Another ad. I hated was the early Lenor ad. from the late '70s, where the housewife is wondering whether her family will notice the difference that the fabric conditioner has made to their clothing. In the end she goes delirious and collapses laughing hysterically on the landing. For GOD'S SAKE woman, it's FABRIC CONDITIONER, not the Holy Grail! Get a life, do you seriously have an orgasm over this sort of thing??!!
