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My most hated TV advert ever

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  • #16
    Re: My most hated TV advert ever

    VCCP an ad agency in London do the Meerkat ads. I know, did work experience there - (or do nowt and twiddle thumbs for 2 wks as it really happens). Blame them.

    I also don't like the 'Creative Scotland' ad, soley because the voice is the berk from Coast on BBC2. He looks like a Byker Grove reject....I don't like ANY computer games ad. Any Wii/X Box...ugh.

    Car ads today are awful. Seen the new Alfa Giulietta ad? Pretentious naffness. The new Vodafone ad with Yoda - ho, ho, not. I especially hate the bit where the girl says 'do you think he tastes of wasabi?'....yuck. How can you think of eating Yoda???...

    Tena Lady ads - theres that one about 'oops' , sorry but I think 'silly c-w' lol....I'm sure a lot also do...Ads on the whole are just naff now aren't they.


    • #17
      Re: My most hated TV advert ever

      I also hated that Cadburys one with the gorilla on the drums. Everyone else seemed to like it. And at the moment that freeview one with the bloke holding the balloons only because it's one of my most hated songs and it's on ALL the time!

      But SF, the florette one was good - rooooooooket! And that bloke from Coast does look like a Byker grove reject but he does have a lovely voice. It's such a let down when you see him.
      1976 Vintage


      • #18
        Re: My most hated TV advert ever

        Originally posted by Trickyvee View Post
        I also hated that Cadburys one with the gorilla on the drums. Everyone else seemed to like it. And at the moment that freeview one with the bloke holding the balloons only because it's one of my most hated songs and it's on ALL the time!

        But SF, the florette one was good - rooooooooket! And that bloke from Coast does look like a Byker grove reject but he does have a lovely voice. It's such a let down when you see him.
        That last bit, its like a woman mentioning she joined a dating phone in and chatted to a guy with a nice voice - met him and....

        I also don't like that Sun Bingo ad with the ball haired woman and the women doing exercise. - I cannot stand the puppets used, they are so ugly and the matierial they used to make them adds to it. Doesn't make sense either - o.a.p puppets?

        Cadbury's Gorilla - it was rubbish. I felt it was so pretentious and up its own bottom. I agree....all that 'everyones talking about it'....'MY --SE!' As they said on Royale Family....

        Dawn Porter and the new botty wipes ad. Don't like her at all. As for the ad, well, its about time something was promoted for Anglo Saxon botty hygiene - a lot of Asians WASH their bottys after a number two...very hygenic....


        • #19
          Re: My most hated TV advert ever

          Oh, and that Thompson holidays ad with a Northern brat telling me about 'time being so precious'....Who's he think he is? My Grandad? He'd get a thick ear if he spoke to me like that in person...I am dismayed when advertisers use kids as adults...


          • #20
            Re: My most hated TV advert ever

            The person that created the Go Compare ads can rot in hell for eternity. I hate them with a passion.


            • #21
              Re: My most hated TV advert ever

              Swift Cover. The Iggy Pop ones were awful can't stand that man - he needs to act his age. Now they've got Dogs in suits. not funny, disjointed and stupid. Terrible. Could say the same for the car ad about Yaris or whatever it is, 'here comes the gadget master, loving it, the gadget master and he likes pasta'....With its cgi rotoscoped imagery alongside normal filmed work its a load of tripe: the ad copywriter may have found the song funny but I didn't.


              • #22
                Re: My most hated TV advert ever

                In general, all the 'daytime' adverts

                Bingo. There are a few of those, stupid annoying Foxy who I want to hit, 'Bingo Bingo I'm in love' aaaaaaaaaaaargh and Sun there's probably more, but I hate the way that they are aimed at the stereotypical bored dumpy housewife who has nothing better to do that sit and lose money all day on some silly web site.

                All of the accident claim ones. The only good one is the one where four of the suited serious advisers are marching down the stairs and one of them falls over.

                Personal loan ads, all with blissfully happy smiley people skipping off with money you'd think they were actually getting for nothing. Then you see the 100000% APR in tiny print at the bottom of the screen.
                1976 Vintage


                • #23
                  Re: My most hated TV advert ever

                  Originally posted by Trickyvee View Post
                  In general, all the 'daytime' adverts

                  Bingo. There are a few of those, stupid annoying Foxy who I want to hit, 'Bingo Bingo I'm in love' aaaaaaaaaaaargh and Sun there's probably more, but I hate the way that they are aimed at the stereotypical bored dumpy housewife who has nothing better to do that sit and lose money all day on some silly web site.

                  All of the accident claim ones. The only good one is the one where four of the suited serious advisers are marching down the stairs and one of them falls over.

                  Personal loan ads, all with blissfully happy smiley people skipping off with money you'd think they were actually getting for nothing. Then you see the 100000% APR in tiny print at the bottom of the screen.
                  You took the words out of my mouth with the foxy bingo ads.
                  You see them a lot between the breaks when jeremy kyle is on.
                  You see them twice when it takes the break and when it comes on again.


                  • #24
                    Re: My most hated TV advert ever

                    The Atora one from the 1970s. Smug kid that everyone wanted to smack in the gob.


                    • #25
                      Re: My most hated TV advert ever

                      The Halifax seem to make adverts designed to make me claim for a new telly on the house insurance when I put my foot through it! Awful bank too, I had a £300 overdraft that they spiralled into £1300 with fees over seven weeks when I was ill and unwaged! Got it all back from them... eventually!
                      I collect game prices for retro consoles from eBay


                      • #26
                        Re: My most hated TV advert ever

                        Originally posted by Retrogames View Post
                        The Halifax seem to make adverts designed to make me claim for a new telly on the house insurance when I put my foot through it! Awful bank too, I had a £300 overdraft that they spiralled into £1300 with fees over seven weeks when I was ill and unwaged! Got it all back from them... eventually!

                        yeah cannot stand these ads either.
                        and there are quite a lot of them sadly.
                        they just rub me the wrong way.
                        FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                        • #27
                          Re: My most hated TV advert ever

                          "Girl on the platform smile" - Don't know what the ad is for as the channel is changed immediately as I'm frightened that if it continues, I'll kick the tv screen in. Such a whiney voice!


                          • #28
                            Re: My most hated TV advert ever

                            go compare

                            Best Years Of My Childhood Was Growing Up In The Late 90's and the early 2000's . before the world went Mad


                            • #29
                              Re: My most hated TV advert ever

                              Originally posted by Pinney68 View Post
                              "Girl on the platform smile" - Don't know what the ad is for as the channel is changed immediately as I'm frightened that if it continues, I'll kick the tv screen in. Such a whiney voice!
                     hate it too. I remember a graphic designer at my work experience was chatting about it to his colleagues and he said he hated it, but couldn't get the rubbish song out of his I didn't know the guy I didn't say anything as it would be rude of the work experience pleb suddenly piping up but I was thinking I agree.

                              Btw, Pinney68, like the avatar, good old Humptey from Play School. Always liked his fat egg shaped bod and happy fat face.


                              • #30
                                Re: My most hated TV advert ever

                                I also hated that O2 'two by two' ad, incidentally made by the place I did work experience for! Its like a bland load of ideas put in a blender and mixed into the consistency of sewage - smelly sewage with chunks in it...I'm amazed O2 said "YEAH! LOVE IT! LETS GO FOR IT GUYS! PUT IT ON PEAK TIME TV!" I also hate Sean Bean's voice...what his neck of the woods has to do with O2 is beyond me...oh, and the new O2 ads with the bearded podgy Fawn, and 'O2's mind'....whats that supposed to be?!

