I was funnily enough remembering his Rivers of Blood Speech....true, I wasn't born back at the exact time he made the infamous speech, but his name and whom he was an ever present topic in our house. Speaking as the son of immigrants who came to a UK rife with the strength of Powells words, a National Front emboldened by his words and a UK being transformed by mass non white migration to the UK.
To be honest, while he was an MP of a major party addressing the 'issue' I feel MP's of the current ruling parties need to be open about it now. Thus addressing the plebian, working class, and especially red top reading Whites whom live in the economicially bad areas that were once the industrial working class heartlands eventually end up voting BNP for as they 'don't feel represented'....
However, I am always feel his speech also reeks of the hypocrisy of White majority society. I feel, and have always felt as a non White all this tosh about 'we are becoming 2nd class citizens in our own country, we are going to be the minority' etc etc. But it has always been ok for the majority to emmigrate, eat foreign 'muck', have non whites do all he rubbish jobs that whites feel beneath them. Jobs like cleaner, road sweeper etc got replaced by the MacJob, the foreign nursing home worker. In the past, where were the white bus conductors, doctors, nurses etc when Powell, as Health Minister engineered non white commonwealth workers to come over here and fill the job market? Were there so many jobs for all Whites that the UK really needed these immigrants? No, not really, many Whites of working to lower middle class had moved up the social ladders...
Yes, some of Powells speech has chilling reason to it. Even I admit it. But conversely as an immigrants son, I see the hypocrasy of it: if the UK did eventually begin enforced non white repatriation I'd go of my own free will. But I feel that ALL doors should close then: and in the basest way possible heres a mandate: on foods from foreign climes, no holidays for Whites to non white lands, no importation or exportation from one land to another, no intermixing, no sexual relations between white/non white etc, etc. Would White UK like that? Doubt it-especially from the point of view of the workforces, foods, holidays etc. I feel speeches like Powells do highlight the double standard of life here. I feel the real problem is perhaps the 'we are English, we are the best' mentality derived itself from times of Empire, and still remains. I think some beliefs of many misinformed people come from the lack of Govt intervention in current terrorism, Muslim extremism, and an overly pretentious rhetoric in fear of insulting militant Islam - and people, of all races grow sick of that including myself...Personally, I actually feel Powell was wrong on one thing: the whip hand IS still in the White mans hand, all the best jobs are still held by White men and women here and they in turn only hand new jobs to other Whites, because they identify with them. I should know from personal experience - the countless times I've been interviewed by White bosses and end up seeing offices only populated by whites, the best bit is seeing the look on an interviewers face when they initially meet me and realise the person they spoke to on the phone...was, not white, shock horror! Being told, 'we didn't think you'd fit in' is a brilliant way for a potential employer to say to a non white applicant: your not white, we didn't want you because of that, its just that the 'race relations act' impell us to be more polite about it all'...many coloured people will know what I mean.
I sometimes wish I could see an alternate White only UK in 2012. Would it be any better....? Or would the subtraction of non whites simply magic away all the problems in the UK in one fell swoop?
Yes, Ol' Enoch - on one hand, stating that immigration needs to be checked. On the other a clear indicator of the hypocrisy on the white majority UK.
Apologies if the topic was contraversal....but you cannot 'do you remember Enoch Powell' without placing some rhetoric or context in a post about him can you.
To be honest, while he was an MP of a major party addressing the 'issue' I feel MP's of the current ruling parties need to be open about it now. Thus addressing the plebian, working class, and especially red top reading Whites whom live in the economicially bad areas that were once the industrial working class heartlands eventually end up voting BNP for as they 'don't feel represented'....
However, I am always feel his speech also reeks of the hypocrisy of White majority society. I feel, and have always felt as a non White all this tosh about 'we are becoming 2nd class citizens in our own country, we are going to be the minority' etc etc. But it has always been ok for the majority to emmigrate, eat foreign 'muck', have non whites do all he rubbish jobs that whites feel beneath them. Jobs like cleaner, road sweeper etc got replaced by the MacJob, the foreign nursing home worker. In the past, where were the white bus conductors, doctors, nurses etc when Powell, as Health Minister engineered non white commonwealth workers to come over here and fill the job market? Were there so many jobs for all Whites that the UK really needed these immigrants? No, not really, many Whites of working to lower middle class had moved up the social ladders...
Yes, some of Powells speech has chilling reason to it. Even I admit it. But conversely as an immigrants son, I see the hypocrasy of it: if the UK did eventually begin enforced non white repatriation I'd go of my own free will. But I feel that ALL doors should close then: and in the basest way possible heres a mandate: on foods from foreign climes, no holidays for Whites to non white lands, no importation or exportation from one land to another, no intermixing, no sexual relations between white/non white etc, etc. Would White UK like that? Doubt it-especially from the point of view of the workforces, foods, holidays etc. I feel speeches like Powells do highlight the double standard of life here. I feel the real problem is perhaps the 'we are English, we are the best' mentality derived itself from times of Empire, and still remains. I think some beliefs of many misinformed people come from the lack of Govt intervention in current terrorism, Muslim extremism, and an overly pretentious rhetoric in fear of insulting militant Islam - and people, of all races grow sick of that including myself...Personally, I actually feel Powell was wrong on one thing: the whip hand IS still in the White mans hand, all the best jobs are still held by White men and women here and they in turn only hand new jobs to other Whites, because they identify with them. I should know from personal experience - the countless times I've been interviewed by White bosses and end up seeing offices only populated by whites, the best bit is seeing the look on an interviewers face when they initially meet me and realise the person they spoke to on the phone...was, not white, shock horror! Being told, 'we didn't think you'd fit in' is a brilliant way for a potential employer to say to a non white applicant: your not white, we didn't want you because of that, its just that the 'race relations act' impell us to be more polite about it all'...many coloured people will know what I mean.
I sometimes wish I could see an alternate White only UK in 2012. Would it be any better....? Or would the subtraction of non whites simply magic away all the problems in the UK in one fell swoop?
Yes, Ol' Enoch - on one hand, stating that immigration needs to be checked. On the other a clear indicator of the hypocrisy on the white majority UK.
Apologies if the topic was contraversal....but you cannot 'do you remember Enoch Powell' without placing some rhetoric or context in a post about him can you.
