The show revolves around Big/John Cannon Leif Erickson, a rancher who lived in the Arizona Territory in the 1870s. He ran the ranch with his brother Buck Cameron Mitchell and son Billy Blue Blue Boy Mark Slade.
Blue Boy's mother Annalee Joan Caulfield was killed in the first episode by an Indian arrow, and John Cannon then married Victoria Linda Cristal, the daughter of the powerful neighbouring rancher Don Sebastián Montoya, in what is initially a marriage of convenience.
His marriage to Victoria Montoya brought her brother Manolito Henry Darrow into the picture, and he also came to live with the family.
Cameron Mitchell was offered the part of Buck following an airline flight to Tucson where he had sat next to the series originator and his wife.
It ran from
September 10th 1967 until march 12th 1971.
There where 4 seasons totalling 98 episodes.
Its main stars where as follows.
Leif Erickson
Cameron Mitchell
Mark Slade
Linda Crystal
Hery Darrow
Don Collier
Check the link opening credits.
The show revolves around Big/John Cannon Leif Erickson, a rancher who lived in the Arizona Territory in the 1870s. He ran the ranch with his brother Buck Cameron Mitchell and son Billy Blue Blue Boy Mark Slade.
Blue Boy's mother Annalee Joan Caulfield was killed in the first episode by an Indian arrow, and John Cannon then married Victoria Linda Cristal, the daughter of the powerful neighbouring rancher Don Sebastián Montoya, in what is initially a marriage of convenience.
His marriage to Victoria Montoya brought her brother Manolito Henry Darrow into the picture, and he also came to live with the family.
Cameron Mitchell was offered the part of Buck following an airline flight to Tucson where he had sat next to the series originator and his wife.
It ran from
September 10th 1967 until march 12th 1971.
There where 4 seasons totalling 98 episodes.
Its main stars where as follows.
Leif Erickson
Cameron Mitchell
Mark Slade
Linda Crystal
Hery Darrow
Don Collier
Check the link opening credits.