My mum passed away on 23rd March, aged 77, after a long battle against cancer- it was a complete shock as we all thought she was nearly better from it. It was very aggressive abd the medical team caring for her gave her longer than she actally had- in the end it took her in 5 weeks.
I thus may not be able to contribute to DYR for a while, although I do have a number of items 'in the queue' waiting to be featured. I enjoy DYR and have had much fun contributing to it, but right at the moment- she was my world, and I don't know what I'm going to do without her. Meanwhile mI wish you all well.
I thus may not be able to contribute to DYR for a while, although I do have a number of items 'in the queue' waiting to be featured. I enjoy DYR and have had much fun contributing to it, but right at the moment- she was my world, and I don't know what I'm going to do without her. Meanwhile mI wish you all well.