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Worst Movie you've ever watched?

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  • ncpcov
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Sin City - The worst film ever. Lasted 24 minutes. I felt it scarred me it was that bad.
    Hot Fuzz
    Musicals - will not watch them. Either make a music video OR make a movie - dont try and do both.
    The curious case of Benjamin Button
    Blair witch project - watched this at the cinema and just sat there at the end wondering what on earth had gone one...shouting refund refund...
    The Matrix - so overated, the films are beyond dire
    Rocky 5 (seriously??)
    Superman 4
    The Hulk (not the recent remake the one from about 8-9 years ago I think)
    Spiderman 3 - What went wrong there? I loved the first 2!
    Transformers - Hey -they all looked different in the 80s - NOT all just silver with evil looking faces?? Decepticons I am talking about. So lame.

    There are obvious garbage like Titanic 2 (yes its real) but I think naming films that are more mainstream, big budget is better.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Do a google for the Beyond The Poseidon Adventure, Michael Caine and Telly Savalas, Slim Pickens, Marc Harmon from NCIS are in it. Set the day after the original is set...and its naff. The original was the best. The remakes naff. Why bother.

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  • darren
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Originally posted by sf1378 View Post
    It was on really late/early morning Darren! Its just awful. About the only thing in it I felt sorry for was the small doggie in the Hong Kong bit when that family tried to escape....I didn't give a monkeys in general about anyone else! Oh and the panicked parrot in Hong Kong as well...The other thing that made it naff were the special effects, Shawn Connerys cardigan, Brian Keith speaking ONLY in Russian-why the character COULDN'T learn English was beyond me...but hey, Karl Maldens NOSE-my Mum used to say he'd broken it during the making of How The West Was Won during some river-rapids water-rafting scene....apparently. I did like Martin Landau's combover. I also liked how anyone on a monitor was positioned to be in perfect eye contact/angle with the person 'speaking' to them at the other end. Its like they'd put them inside the t.v....I'm being sarcastic on that last bit.

    I gave up and happily chanced upon The Odd Couple on one of my Sky Movies channels and watched the rest of that. I do remember in Meteor everyone gets covered in melted chocolate like mud-never seen mud like that in a disaster movie...and it nearly removes Connery's sirrup...or should I say SYRUP?!

    Speaking of which, The Swarm, thats naff. Beyond The Poseidon Adventure is naff and EARTHQUAKE is naffest too. It was marketed as: 'AN EVENT'...An uneventful 2 hrs more like, the highlight being Lorne Greenes mid air heart attack and Marjoe Gortners weirdo National Guardsman flipping out, geting shot and his wig coming off when he tried to rape Pam from Dallas who also had a big afro....I also only liked the small puppy in that and Charlton Heston's truck. The billboard poster was good too.

    Going back to Meteor I felt its so naff when you see Henry Fonda as the President-yeah Theres overall more anticipation, more excitement and more eagerness in receiving, opening and building a Kinder Egg toy rather than undergo the trauma that is Meteor...its a Meteor alright-a METEORIC BORE LOL.
    it really was so bad.
    id never seen it before guess what ill not watch it again mate.

    it had a good cast your man from space 1999 was in it as well as mr connery.

    d not remember beyond poseidon adventure mate.
    yell me about it was it a sequel.

    but a remake of the fantastic original was made not lomg ago.

    it was called poseidon.

    in the original only ywo et out throught the top of the ship.

    in this one they blow a huge hole in the side of the ship to get out.
    and there are loads of survivors.
    it shows a good cast does not mean a good film.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    It was on really late/early morning Darren! Its just awful. About the only thing in it I felt sorry for was the small doggie in the Hong Kong bit when that family tried to escape....I didn't give a monkeys in general about anyone else! Oh and the panicked parrot in Hong Kong as well...The other thing that made it naff were the special effects, Shawn Connerys cardigan, Brian Keith speaking ONLY in Russian-why the character COULDN'T learn English was beyond me...but hey, Karl Maldens NOSE-my Mum used to say he'd broken it during the making of How The West Was Won during some river-rapids water-rafting scene....apparently. I did like Martin Landau's combover. I also liked how anyone on a monitor was positioned to be in perfect eye contact/angle with the person 'speaking' to them at the other end. Its like they'd put them inside the t.v....I'm being sarcastic on that last bit.

    I gave up and happily chanced upon The Odd Couple on one of my Sky Movies channels and watched the rest of that. I do remember in Meteor everyone gets covered in melted chocolate like mud-never seen mud like that in a disaster movie...and it nearly removes Connery's sirrup...or should I say SYRUP?!

    Speaking of which, The Swarm, thats naff. Beyond The Poseidon Adventure is naff and EARTHQUAKE is naffest too. It was marketed as: 'AN EVENT'...An uneventful 2 hrs more like, the highlight being Lorne Greenes mid air heart attack and Marjoe Gortners weirdo National Guardsman flipping out, geting shot and his wig coming off when he tried to rape Pam from Dallas who also had a big afro....I also only liked the small puppy in that and Charlton Heston's truck. The billboard poster was good too.

    Going back to Meteor I felt its so naff when you see Henry Fonda as the President-yeah Theres overall more anticipation, more excitement and more eagerness in receiving, opening and building a Kinder Egg toy rather than undergo the trauma that is Meteor...its a Meteor alright-a METEORIC BORE LOL.

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  • darren
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Originally posted by sf1378 View Post
    Meteor, that is awful. T'was on last night as

    yes i saw it last night as well.

    i was wondering was it comedy or a serious disaster film.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Meteor, that is awful. T'was on last night as

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    Guest replied
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Thats a point...The Whicker Man and I mean the original-I've seen it loads of times and fail to see whats so 'great' about it. I find it ridiculous, the only reason some watch it is for the naughty bits on Britt Ekland etc (incidentally she used a bum double apparently)...Also, how can seeing Chris Lee prancing about in a long gingham floral number, wig and gaudy make up, or in his equally ridiculous bouffant as Laird Summerisle....chilling? He's raved about the part but I fail to see the so called magnitude. Then theres the plot....ugh. And its dull.

    Last time it was on I simply caught the ending and it dawned on me that the pious Woodward's PC would have been better served in having a quicky earlier on in the film as rather than pray for God to be his salvation when hes about to be Its naff. The directors even made a 'sequel' to it....and having read the plot I shudder at how naff it reiterates the aformentioned naffness of the original....

    I also think Escape From New York, Escape From L.A., Soldier, Predator 2, Aliens vs Predator 1 and 2, Predators, Meet Joe Black, Once Upon A Time in The West, Django Kill, The Incredible Melting Man, much of the pap on The Horror Channel are also naff...amongst others.

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  • Cartimand
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched? many. OK here goes with my top three awful movies:

    "Mars Attacks!" Didn't work as a satire, spoof, sci-fi or comedy. Utterly, utterly wretched.
    "Chopper Chicks in Zombietown" I normally like some Troma, but this was dire.
    Nic Cage version of "The Wicker Man" Why, oh why, oh why?

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    Guest replied
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    I quite like that one, a lot of its spot on to what them spectres et al are about, well I am biased, I believe in ghosts and both my Mum and Dad have seen ghosts too...not nice. Anyhow, back on track,

    Buckeroo Banzai in the Fourth Dimension is awful,

    Howard The Duck,

    Twilight 1, 2 and I bet 3....its soooo teen

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  • stud1al
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Originally posted by TooSoonTom View Post
    Paranormal Activity ZZZZZZZzzzz the last three seconds are the best!
    Agreed but i never got that close to the end.

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  • darren
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Originally posted by filmguylee View Post
    You don't know the meaning of the words 'bad movie' until you have seen some of the **** I have seen - but that's because I DO love a truly bad movie.

    My current list has to be (Though I do love theses films too: so bad they're great when watched with a bunch of mates...)

    BTW, check out - great archive for rubbish movies...

    Streetfighter (1994)

    Superman IV: The Quest For Peace (1987)

    Spawn Of The Slithis (1978)

    Mortal Kombat: Anihilation (1997)

    Jaws 4: The Revenge (1987)

    Shark Attack 3: Megalodon (2002)

    Plughead Rewired: Bio-Curcuitry Man 2 (1994)

    Friday 13th Part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)

    Haloween 6: The Curse Of Micheal Myers (1995)

    Psychocop (1989)

    Maniac Cop (1988)

    The Man With The Screaming Brain (2005)

    Exorcist 2: the heretic

    Highlander 2: the quickening

    ill agree with you on the mortal kombat film jaws 4 and streetfighter mate.

    only other one ive seen is superman 4 which i really like.

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  • TooSoonTom
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Paranormal Activity ZZZZZZZzzzz the last three seconds are the best!

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  • stud1al
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Howard the Duck was pretty bad.

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  • tulip
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Im sure there are loads,but I can only think on one.It was so bad I can't remember the name of it.It was Denzel Washington and I think he might have been a cop.It started with him going to see a guy get the electric chair,he touched him and got some special powers.Utter rubbish!Oh and one of the Turtle ones.


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  • filmguylee
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    You don't know the meaning of the words 'bad movie' until you have seen some of the **** I have seen - but that's because I DO love a truly bad movie.

    My current list has to be (Though I do love theses films too: so bad they're great when watched with a bunch of mates...)

    BTW, check out - great archive for rubbish movies...

    Streetfighter (1994)

    Superman IV: The Quest For Peace (1987)

    Spawn Of The Slithis (1978)

    Mortal Kombat: Anihilation (1997)

    Jaws 4: The Revenge (1987)

    Shark Attack 3: Megalodon (2002)

    Plughead Rewired: Bio-Curcuitry Man 2 (1994)

    Friday 13th Part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)

    Haloween 6: The Curse Of Micheal Myers (1995)

    Psychocop (1989)

    Maniac Cop (1988)

    The Man With The Screaming Brain (2005)

    Exorcist 2: the heretic

    Highlander 2: the quickening

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