Could members please hit the alert sign (red triangle on top of frame) when you see a potential Spam post on the board?
We have had two in the last two days.If you are not sure if a poster is spamming, try Googling their Username.
A quick Google of the latest Spammer "LeslieTeresa",show he/she has posted the same "kerali" message on several other Vbulletin boards.
Yesterdays Spammer "Mom_estrella" shows the same pattern.
Many thanks
Be Alert! Britain needs Lerts
We have had two in the last two days.If you are not sure if a poster is spamming, try Googling their Username.
A quick Google of the latest Spammer "LeslieTeresa",show he/she has posted the same "kerali" message on several other Vbulletin boards.
Yesterdays Spammer "Mom_estrella" shows the same pattern.
Many thanks
Be Alert! Britain needs Lerts
