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The Australian left wants "thousands of new homes"... but do this

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  • The Australian left wants "thousands of new homes"... but do this

    They want lots of new homes "to end the housing crisis" but also do this: ‘It’s a human need’: Council rejects development that would block neighbour’s sunlight (

    Where exactly will these lots of new homes go?

  • #2
    It's a fact that due to a severe increase in the UK's population, new homes need to be built - I read in my local newspaper in 2019 that a village just a few miles from me, the council or a local builder had proposed to build 300 new homes in that area. People in the village said that it would make their area more like a suburb and would lose its rural identity. On the other hand, as someone who has a relative living there, I got a bit excited at this news as I thought that it would be chance for me to live there in the future, especially thinking about the sheltered housing for the over 50s when I eventually cross that bridge. In the late 2000s their local Anglican church website mentioned that "55% of the population are working class" which made me think that one didn't need to be rich in order to live there - had that have been mentioned in an inner-city area, it wouldn't have been that inviting.

    One assumes that the housing situation in Australia is very different to Britain - the fact that Australia is more spaced out and has fewer people nd homes per square mile, and there are a lot of farming and agricultural areas. No wonder so many Britons emigrate there each year! One of my aunts did just that back in the 1970s.
    I've everything I need to keep me satisfied
    There's nothing you can do to make me change my mind
    I'm having so much fun
    My lucky number's one
    Ah! Oh! Ah! Oh!


    • #3
      Maybe it's time to stop treating the people i mention in the OP as nice or even rational?


      • #4
        We maybe a small island but the population does not remain the same - time moves on, and one needs to adapt to the present day and prepare for future generations - I used to hate living in inner-city areas as I would have preferred to have the countryside on my doorstep - I don't live in a village these days, but I am not too far from rural areas either. Judging a book by its cover can be difficult when it comes to other people.

        I know what it is like to try and get a GP appointment - last year I tried to get in touch with my doctor via problems to do with personal difficulties welfare, and even now things haven't been ironed out. I chose my GP practice when I moved here because it was conveniently situated close to shops where one would go regularly, but I am thinking about changing. Having to contact the surgery on the phone, listen to a lot of sub-Classic FM music for 15 minutes down the line while every minute or so, a voice says: "you are position five in the queue" and "please stay on the line so that we can get to you". And when one eventually gets a live human voice on the other end of the line, it has to go through to Triage, and so on, and it becomes a head-banging "back to square one" moment. It has happened a number of times.

        If I had the money, I would probably try and turn my life around as well before it gets to late, but we do live in the real world at the end of the day...
        I've everything I need to keep me satisfied
        There's nothing you can do to make me change my mind
        I'm having so much fun
        My lucky number's one
        Ah! Oh! Ah! Oh!


        • #5
          Originally posted by amethyst
          I dont think the UK should be building more houses we are a small island we cant cope with mass immigration. We are full try getting a doctor's appointment a NHS Dentist schools.We want countryside greenery wildlife to stay not houses spoiling the views and turning villages into big towns.If I had the money I'd be gone from UK I hate this country and I am not the only one whose said it
          Funny how the Tories have failed to sort things out in 13 years! Without immigrants the NHS would have collapsed years ago.
          The Trickster On The Roof


          • #6
            The Australian left are just as nutty and the outgoing New South Wales premier is right that it’s time to start fighting them as well. Intimidation – which a form of violence itself – and harassment such as screaming into megaphones at full volume, banging on walls, pouring substances on opponents – including harmful ones like paint – are NOT “peaceful protest” and we should meet such violence with violence. Including lethal force if it needed to stop these increasingly unstable fanatics.

            Oh, and the animal “rights” people including Bandt and Faruqi want racehorses (and other non-sapient organisms) put on the same level as humans.

            We can inform Bandt that since racehorses are considered people, they can be executed as traitors when they break down!


            • #7
              Originally posted by amethyst

              With labour it would be open borders let everybody in.You dont speak for me Matie
              I don't think you even talk for yourself!
              The Trickster On The Roof


              • #8
                Originally posted by Victoria O'Keefe View Post
                The Australian left are just as nutty and the outgoing New South Wales premier is right that it’s time to start fighting them as well. Intimidation – which a form of violence itself – and harassment such as screaming into megaphones at full volume, banging on walls, pouring substances on opponents – including harmful ones like paint – are NOT “peaceful protest” and we should meet such violence with violence. Including lethal force if it needed to stop these increasingly unstable fanatics.

                Oh, and the animal “rights” people including Bandt and Faruqi want racehorses (and other non-sapient organisms) put on the same level as humans.

                We can inform Bandt that since racehorses are considered people, they can be executed as traitors when they break down!
                Last edited by Richard1978; 28-03-2023, 21:42.
                The Trickster On The Roof


                • #9
                  For me id renovate old run down houses then if new ones sre needed then build them.

                  I know trhe population in creases but by how much when u take in to account how many deaths there are in say the uk.

                  Be interesting to have a list of deaths and births per year then wed know if it grows and by how much or how little.

