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Derelict places

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  • Derelict places

    As mentioned before, I love taking photos and Months ago I found a site that is nostalgic but not in the way ours is. It is photos of derelict buildings, churches etc. I suppose it is the last throes of reality before only nostalgia remains. A sad but fascinating site.

    If this IS permitted here it is well worth a look for places near your home towns.

  • #2
    Re: Derelict places

    I found the Derelict Places site a few months ago as well, I also think it's really fascinating. I found the Derelict London site a few years before that and now theres a 'Derelict London' book by the founder of that site. I'd like to see a 'Derelict Places' book featuring some of the photos on the DP site.
    "We're the Sweeney son, and we haven't had any dinner!"


    • #3
      Re: Derelict places

      This bloke, Phil Davison, specialises in taking photos of abandoned places, mostly in West Yorkshire. He manages to get permission to enter places that nobody else is allowed to venture. Apparently the only place he has never been able to get access to is the abandoned cinema in the Merrion Centre in Leeds. The owners absolutely refuse permission for some reason.

      Phill.d's Photostream


      • #4
        Re: Derelict places

        what is it about derelict places thats so fascinating?.........just cant get enough of them............I look at the buildings and wonder how can people let this happen to something in a lot of cases so architechtually beautiful?
        Last edited by shilton dipper; 16-01-2012, 22:57.


        • #5
          Re: Derelict places

          I know, it's a crime, we had in our area - Train station = Knocked down - Watermill = knocked down - old sawmill = knocked down
          to mention just a few, then again, I wouldn't have really known about these places if they weren't derelict LOL
          do you never get any hassle from police / authorities etc when you are at these places?? or do you ask for permission first ??
          Remember as I kid , It was pretty fascinating and exciting exploring these old buildings, but It would be frowned upon if I did that today XD


          • #6
            Re: Derelict places

            What blows my mind about many of those images are that the contents of these buildings, including some seemingly valuable things, were being left behind. In some cases it looks as if the people were right in the midst of whatever they were doing and had simply walked away never to return.


            • #7
              Re: Derelict places

              Originally posted by culnara View Post
              I know, it's a crime, we had in our area - Train station = Knocked down - Watermill = knocked down - old sawmill = knocked down
              to mention just a few, then again, I wouldn't have really known about these places if they weren't derelict LOL
              do you never get any hassle from police / authorities etc when you are at these places?? or do you ask for permission first ??
              Remember as I kid , It was pretty fascinating and exciting exploring these old buildings, but It would be frowned upon if I did that today XD
              I used to play in derelict places as a child.......i remember a whole site of mobile homes........everyone empty.......some with furniture left behind...........I don't go to places now but i pass by them in the car......wonder what they were like in their day..........and google...........thank god for google!


              • #8
                Re: Derelict places

                Those are great links people. Thinking back to when I was young, I can't remember there being any derelict places near me although they must have been there.

                The closest we got were boarded up council houses. I remember one or two on my estate. They weren't exactly derelict, more 'dormant' awaiting new occupants, but for some reason back then they seemed to stay boarded up for quite a long time. They inevitably became our 'haunted houses' and we'd dare each other to run into the overgrown back gardens. I for one was terrified.

                There's just something really creepy about boarded up buildings. I don't think I'd have the guts to go and explore derelict places like those on those sites, even though they are fascinating.
                1976 Vintage


                • #9
                  Re: Derelict places

                  Originally posted by Techno View Post
                  This bloke, Phil Davison, specialises in taking photos of abandoned places, mostly in West Yorkshire. He manages to get permission to enter places that nobody else is allowed to venture. Apparently the only place he has never been able to get access to is the abandoned cinema in the Merrion Centre in Leeds. The owners absolutely refuse permission for some reason.

                  Phill.d's Photostream
                  I always suspected there was something weird about the Merrion Centre. I've often heard about this cinema in there, but never figured out where the hell it could have been until I had a good hard think and took out what is there now that wouldn't have been there back when it was opened. It's obvious now I think about it. Those cash machines are blocking the entrance. There's no other place it could be, not to my knowledge anyway.

                  It's also worth noting that those row of ye olde town store fronts right at the back of the Merrion Centre are creepy as they come. They are all abandoned and nobody every walks down that part of the mall. When I was studying in that part of the city we used to cut though that part of the centre to get to the sandwich shop around the back side of the Merrion centre, but we soon opted to walk outside as it was super eerie. It's like the place that nobody knows about, right under everybody's nose. In fact, all the squares and surrounding area at the back of that plaza is freaky. It's totally abandoned.


                  • #10
                    Re: Derelict places

                    here are more links.
                    FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                    • #11
                      Re: Derelict places

                      Originally posted by shilton dipper View Post
                      I used to play in derelict places as a child.......i remember a whole site of mobile homes........everyone empty.......some with furniture left behind...........I don't go to places now but i pass by them in the car......wonder what they were like in their day..........and google...........thank god for google!
                      Yeah , it sounds like a dream in a way - having somewhere to escape to with fittings etc etc that is'nt your's as such (at all).


                      • #12
                        Re: Derelict places

                        Originally posted by Grosh62 View Post
                        As mentioned before, I love taking photos and Months ago I found a site that is nostalgic but not in the way ours is. It is photos of derelict buildings, churches etc. I suppose it is the last throes of reality before only nostalgia remains. A sad but fascinating site.

                        If this IS permitted here it is well worth a look for places near your home towns.

                        I have looked at your link Grosh and it is brilliant. I'll have to make more time to look at in-depth though as there is too much to look at. A great link, thanks.


                        • #13
                          Re: Derelict places

                          There are a number of forums dedicated to this kind of thing. It's known as "Urban Exploration" and is absolutely fascinating. One of the best sites is the 28 Days Later forum, there are some amazing images over there:

                          Urban Exploration.



                          • #14
                            Re: Derelict places

                            Photos of derelict places are fascinating and invariably sad. I'm always surprised at how quickly a place can fall into disrepair once closed and the amount of things that are left behind. Is it just too costly or too much bother to find a new home for fixtures and fittings? It seems like such a waste.
                            1976 Vintage


                            • #15
                              Re: Derelict places

                              This is good too - search using the index on the lh side...


