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Your very petty pet hates

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  • Re: Your very petty pet hates

    Yeah. I went to an Applebee's (bar diner chain in USA) and all the kitchen staff came out to see me. It was a bit weird. You have to remember that a lot of Americans don't leave the state they grew up in, so anything that's from outside needs examining. On the flipside when my lady is over here nobody really bats an eyelid. Europeans in general are more worldly. I think it's to do with most big media originating out of the USA.

    On topic, TV signals. Digital TV signals are terrible. I live at the highest point of my city boundary and it's always windy, the weather is always much worse than it is down the hill. Cue pictures distorting with pixelation and sound popping in and out. Usually it's just once a blue moon the TV goes daft, but recently it's several times a day. I don't watch much TV, but it's pretty annoying for the service to be spoiled. I could cope with a bit of snow or static on screen, I'd take it over the transmission just halting completely like it does now.


    • Re: Your very petty pet hates

      Originally posted by victorbrunswick View Post
      What really gets me about those junk calls is that in the past I would get them every now and then but nowadays I seem to get up to a dozen a day! I have Caller ID so I never answer the phone unless I'm expecting a phone call or its from someone I know.
      Yes, that's the best way Victor.

      On the same topic really, if ever a shopping website asks me for my number I always give a fake one. The Body Shop is bad, they send you items with your phone number on front of the package for all to see - and I don't like it when you win an item on ebay and your receipt has your number on for the seller to see. My friend won an item and the seller rang her for weeks afterwards trying to flog her similar items, she reported him in the end. I'd always be very wary of giving my details to anyone these days.


      • Re: Your very petty pet hates

        playing music while driving.
        so very dangerous.
        its hard enough concentrating on driving.


        • Re: Your very petty pet hates

          Originally posted by darren View Post
          playing music while driving.
          so very dangerous.
          its hard enough concentrating on driving.
          I've seen people doing practically everything while driving except concentrate on driving: eating, texting, putting on makeup, reading, and even getting dressed!


          • Re: Your very petty pet hates

            Oh dear, I always listen to music when driving and read when I'm stuck in traffic jams, but nothing else.
            1976 Vintage


            • Re: Your very petty pet hates

              Originally posted by darren View Post
              playing music while driving.
              so very dangerous.
              its hard enough concentrating on driving.
              People walking listening to music are more of a problem especially if they're fiddling with their phone at the same time, totally oblivious to what's going on around them.
              The only thing to look forward to is the past


              • Re: Your very petty pet hates

                thats true mate.
                ive seen people near get knocked down for not paying attention to where there going.

                also cant stand mobiles going off in the library and people talking on them in the library when its against the rules.

                Originally posted by HG View Post
                People walking listening to music are more of a problem especially if they're fiddling with their phone at the same time, totally oblivious to what's going on around them.


                • Re: Your very petty pet hates

                  Originally posted by darren View Post
                  playing music while driving.
                  so very dangerous.
                  its hard enough concentrating on driving.

                  I don't think playing Music while driving is dangerous

                  years ago I had a cracking set up in my car, 200 watt speakers, used to drive to trance music
                  infact, I would say it made my concentration 100% although the music usually made me drive faster than I should
                  DON'T TELL HIM YOUR NAME PIKE!!


                  • Re: Your very petty pet hates

                    Changing the subject totally!

                    Am I the only person who doesn't like New Year's Eve or Birthdays?

                    I honestly don't know why we make such a fuss about New Year (unless you've had a really crappy year that you're glad to see the back of) and once you pass 30 most people don't look forward to birthdays either. It's just depressing knowing you're heading nearer to 40/50/60 and even worse if you do have a landmark birthday and people at work find out and make a big fuss


                    • Re: Your very petty pet hates

                      Originally posted by Roz View Post
                      Changing the subject totally!

                      Am I the only person who doesn't like New Year's Eve or Birthdays?

                      I honestly don't know why we make such a fuss about New Year (unless you've had a really crappy year that you're glad to see the back of) and once you pass 30 most people don't look forward to birthdays either. It's just depressing knowing you're heading nearer to 40/50/60 and even worse if you do have a landmark birthday and people at work find out and make a big fuss
                      I've never liked NYE parties, particularly when it gets to midnight and everyone goes around shaking hands, hugging and kissing etc, it just seems a bit 'false' to me...........if I have to go anywhere on NYE then I tend to dissappear around 11.55.


                      • Re: Your very petty pet hates

                        I don't mind birthdays but I really don't like NYE. I've spent many asleep in bed and like it that way.
                        1976 Vintage


                        • Re: Your very petty pet hates

                          im not really mad about chrismas TBH.

                          all the people running around trying to get pressies etc.

                          seen many an argument between kids and parents.

                          parents spending tons on kids kids wanting this and that never happy.

                          NYe im quite the same as yourself tricky ive no interest in it i just feel its a waste of time.
                          Last edited by darren; 19-03-2013, 14:43.
                          FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                          • Re: Your very petty pet hates

                            Cornflake dust. I'll think of more soon.....I know I have many.


                            • Re: Your very petty pet hates

                              Originally posted by darren View Post
                              im not really mad about chrismas TBH.

                              all the people running around trying to get pressies etc.

                              seen many an argument between kids and parents.

                              parents spending tons on kids kids wanting this and that never happy.

                              NYe im quite the same as yourself tricky ive no interest in it i just feel its a waste of time.

                              Now I do like Christmas (although I understand what you're saying Darren) mostly because it's a quite a low key event as I don't have kids.

                              I love decorating the tree and if I'm fortunate with leave at work (not the last couple of years) I like the fact you can eat and drink a lot and it's sort of ok!

                              NYE seems unpopular with everyone though and I'm not surprised. If you go out you get slobbered on, it's freezing, taxi fares go through the roof and often you're back in work two days later. Even if you stay in the telly is rubbish and you may get uninvited guests.

                              NYE and birthdays would definitely go in my room 101!


                              • Re: Your very petty pet hates

                                CLING FILM!!!! Click image for larger version

Name:	5.gif
Views:	2
Size:	2.2 KB
ID:	260329...................No matter how carefully I try and tear it off at the metal serated edge, it always ends up folding in on itself and I'm left with just a scrunched up mess wrapped around my hand.

