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Your very petty pet hates

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  • Re: Your very petty pet hates

    ill agree with that I just cant take this heat its just burns me as im ginger makes me feel a bit umcomfortable im just not a lover of heat makes me feel sick [QUOTE=Wirral Writer;181681]This bloody hot weather![/QOTE]


    • Re: Your very petty pet hates

      Yet another hot day to put up with
      The amount of people I see red as a beetroot stupid if you dont use sun cream I always use it otherwise I would suffer


      • Re: Your very petty pet hates

        Too many new white cars on the road


        • Re: Your very petty pet hates

          Girls who go for bad boys (e.g. jailbirds who knock them about). They want their heads testing.
          Wirral Writer


          • Re: Your very petty pet hates

            I absolutely HATE this hot weather. I am an autumn person. Can never understand why so many rave over this stinking, sweaty, uncomfortable heat.
            Wirral Writer


            • Re: Your very petty pet hates

              Originally posted by Wirral Writer View Post
              Girls who go for bad boys (e.g. jailbirds who knock them about). They want their heads testing.
              I have a theory about that. I believe it's a biological throwback to our primitive ancestors which have been hardwired into the genes. In primitive times the successful man was the mightiest hunter or the fiercest warrior in the tribe whose attentions were sought after by the females for it meant security. While in the course of thousands of years times have changed (or have they really?) it is quite often the bad boys in our society in which the primal hunter/warrior traits are the most visible. At least that's the best way I can explain it.


              • Re: Your very petty pet hates

                Originally posted by amethyst View Post
                Too many new white cars on the road
                I've seen that. It seems that almost all cars nowadays are either black, white or silver-grey. And what's more they all look alike! Up until the '70s each marque had its own distinct look. My other automotive pet peeve is the fact that all new cars only have power windows and no mechanical backups. Titanic on wheels!
                Last edited by victorbrunswick; 16-07-2013, 13:18.


                • Re: Your very petty pet hates

                  people that leave lights etc on when there is no need for it.
                  a real waste of electric no wonder there bills are high.


                  • Re: Your very petty pet hates

                    Originally posted by darren View Post
                    people that leave lights etc on when there is no need for it.
                    a real waste of electric no wonder there bills are high.
                    So true
                    Energy companies ripping us off and the government including the previous labour gov did nothing about it


                    • Re: Your very petty pet hates

                      have to agree there miss.
                      if people do the exact same things for six months but in the second quarter only use electric that they really need and compare that bill to the previous they could save like 40 quid or more.

                      the more you waste the more you could save.

                      Originally posted by amethyst View Post
                      So true
                      Energy companies ripping us off and the government including the previous labour gov did nothing about it
                      FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                      • Re: Your very petty pet hates

                        another is paying for plastic bags some 5p some 10p.

                        although apparently the money is for the environment.
                        well it is over here.

                        which in itself is not a bad thing.
                        FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                        • Re: Your very petty pet hates

                          Originally posted by darren View Post
                          another is paying for plastic bags some 5p some 10p.

                          although apparently the money is for the environment.
                          well it is over here.

                          which in itself is not a bad thing.
                          The idea is to keep your bags from the last shop & reuse them the next time. I managed to keep reusing some Asda bags for life for over 2 years before they wore out, & then Asda replaced them for free!
                          The Trickster On The Roof


                          • Re: Your very petty pet hates

                            I bought one of those hessian shopping bags a couple of years ago for a fiver and it has a multitude of uses. I always take it for food shopping and use it all the time for other things so it was money well spent. Sturdy too with no signs of wear at all.
                            1976 Vintage


                            • Re: Your very petty pet hates

                              Originally posted by darren View Post
                              another is paying for plastic bags some 5p some 10p.

                              although apparently the money is for the environment.
                              well it is over here.

                              which in itself is not a bad thing.

                              Wales was introduced first I bought those woven shopping bags much better for the environment

                              People wo dont recycle enough I recycle everything paper cardboard,plastics,bottles,tins scraps of food


                              • Re: Your very petty pet hates

                                I'm backing the American lingo tainting our beautiful language. Although we're getting our own back by messing up theirs up too. It's surprising how much influence a few outsiders can have on a language. Just alone I've managed to get Americans to covert to saying stuff like 'biscuits' and 'petrol'.

