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  • depends what it was, if it was someone i went out with then no, but if i knew them and didnt like them then maybe, just maybe....depending on the price
    tpbm did your mum or dad ever used to threaten to "wash your mouth out with soap and water"????
    Definition of a Transvestite: A guy who likes to eat, drink and be Mary! .


    • yes they did!
      tpbm did you ever get caught smoking and be made to do something horrible like eat the nub?
      No man is worth your tears - and the one who is wont make you cry!


      • eugh!!! no thank god...
        tpbm whats the most horrible thing youve ate?
        Definition of a Transvestite: A guy who likes to eat, drink and be Mary! .


        • A few contenders :1.tinned vegetable salad, 2. chicken lemon ginger &rice.
          TPBM do you cook & if so, what's your speciality ?
          Into the 5th Millennium & beyond...!


          • i cook quite abit and can do a nice spicy chilli or chicken in hoi sin and plum sauce.....mmmmm
            tpbm which is your favourite "fast food"?
            Definition of a Transvestite: A guy who likes to eat, drink and be Mary! .


            • i like a macdonalds now n then

              tpbm would u like to go into space?
              Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional


              • no not really
                tpbm do you fall asleep in front of the tv?
                No man is worth your tears - and the one who is wont make you cry!


                • no but my dad does lol

                  tpbm have u ever fallen asleep in a very wierd place?
                  Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional


                  • not that i know of
                    tpbm how often do you treat yourself to new clothes?
                    No man is worth your tears - and the one who is wont make you cry!


                    • not very altho i baught a ne wpair of doc martens a couple days ago

                      tpbm if u could make up a new alcoholic drink what would it be and be called?
                      Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional


                      • it would be something sweet and called dondons69
                        tpbm have you been here long?
                        No man is worth your tears - and the one who is wont make you cry!


                        • nah not really. Will b off soon

                          tpbm have u ever gone to sleep on a blow up bed n woke up the next morning n its gone flat?
                          Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional


                          • yes lol
                            tpbm what sound do you hate?
                            No man is worth your tears - and the one who is wont make you cry!


                            • metal scraping on metal, the hiss of air shooting outta a compressed air drill...and my alarm clock

                              tpbm do u own anything that youd gladly get rid of?
                              Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional


                              • yes this rolled up rug that i have never used...i am trying to sell it

                                tpbm what is your favorite scent?
                                I'd rather hear the bad truth than a good lie

