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'Cherry B'

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  • angliaknight
    Re: 'Cherry B'

    Speaking of Snowball, advocat & lemonade, around the feastive season an ad' would be on tv for Warniks advocat, it featured a tipsy looking Austrian fellow raising his glass to the camera and saying "eveninks and morniks i drink Warniks", i remember thinking well thats why your always ******!

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  • party animal
    Re: 'Cherry B'

    Originally posted by FLYING SAUCER View Post
    OK Folks! My friend Suzy and I used to drink this in 1983, we ordered half a sweet cider sipped some out and poured the cherry B into it, it was known as a "Leg Over" Honestly, it was!

    It does resemble cherry brandy in appearance and taste.
    You are not kidding, I was in the Royal Navy and I remember the lads saying 'Feed the women with Cherry B and it will drop their knickers without them knowing' - It did the trick and the Navy Nickname for Cherry B is 'The Knicker Dropper!'

    Absolutely great days - Bring it back

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    Re: 'Cherry B'

    OK Folks! My friend Suzy and I used to drink this in 1983, we ordered half a sweet cider sipped some out and poured the cherry B into it, it was known as a "Leg Over" Honestly, it was!

    It does resemble cherry brandy in appearance and taste.

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  • DemonEyeX
    Re: 'Cherry B'

    Originally posted by Beach Life View Post
    Was another name for it egg nogg ?
    No, it's kind of similar, but they are different.
    Snowball is a mix of Advocaat and Lemonade (sometimes a splash of lime juice too).
    I used to love having a sip or two when I was young, but I haven't had one for years.

    And to get back on topic.

    I bought some Cherry B a few years back as I had always wanted to try it.
    Unfortunately I didn't like it so I gave it to a girl I know (who loved it !).
    It's on sale at loads of places in my area.

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  • Beach Life
    Re: 'Cherry B'

    Originally posted by tonyblue View Post
    Oh and you could get a Snowball too.
    Was another name for it egg nogg ? I once drank these egg noggs circa late 1990's. They are usually drank at Christmas (I think).

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  • Beach Life
    Re: Cherry B Drink

    Click image for larger version

Name:	cherry b.jpg
Views:	1
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ID:	260167

    Saw this Cherry B drink in a small off licence window but you can (at the moment) buy it from ASDA. I don't have a local ASDA so I will buy it online with my groceries. Is it nice though? It states it's 11.5% and for 4 small bottles £2.50. Can be drunk neat or with lemonade or????? Has it made a comeback or has it been out for ages?

    My mum said she drank it in her younger days and remembers the jingle:-
    ♫Cherry B, Cherry B
    It’s the cherry wine with Pop! Pop! Pop!
    Cherry B, Cherry B
    It's the sparkling drink for me!♫
    Last edited by Beach Life; 23-11-2012, 20:21.

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  • darren
    Re: Cherry B Drink

    it looks really nice indeed.

    but it is available through out britain i wonder.

    but for it to still be going is incredible.

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  • tonyblue
    Re: 'Cherry B'

    Oh and you could get a Snowball too.

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  • tonyblue
    Re: 'Cherry B'

    similar sized bottle was Babycham ( mini champagne).

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  • Richard1978
    Re: 'Cherry B'

    I've not heard of that, but I like a measure of cherry brandy in a glass of coke.

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  • Trickyvee
    Re: 'Cherry B'

    I'm too young to remember it first time round but an older cousin of mine often spoke of getting drunk on cherry B as a teenager. A couple of years ago I spotted some in the supermarket along with little bottles of snowball (another thing that passed me by) so I got some to try. Have to say I could hardly drink the cherry B. It was disgusting! The snowball wasn't much better but did manage to drink it.

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    started a topic 'Cherry B'

    'Cherry B'

    Am I the first ?! I was born in 1953, and I all but grew up with a fabulous dark red little drink called Cherry B ! It came in a small bottle that would have been about a wine glass and a half or today's large glass...It was about 14% proof, and despite it's feminine quality, and its' sweet cherry flavour, it definitely had a kick...the amazing news is that in Yeovil near where I live, YOU CAN STILL GET IT !
