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  • Labyrinth

    Labari...... Laybyr ....... Labary... (WHY didn't they just call it MAZE? I can spell MAZE....) was one of those films that I loved as a child and have rebought recently in an attempt to convince my kids that old films are better than new ones.It featured David Bowie as the Goblin King, and Jennifer Connelly as Sarah.While minding her baby brother, Sarah wishes that the goblin king would take him away, and when he does, she tries to get him back.It's one of those ace films that combines real people with Jim Henson creations.Once the Goblin King has allowed her into the Labyrinth, she has 13 hours to rescue her brother.Initially, she meets up with Hoggle - a troll. He helps her, unwillingly, into the Labyrinth and guides her towards the centre. On the way, she meets up with Ludo - a huge gentle beast, and a dog with a sword (I think) riding on another dog.The way the muppets and the characters mingle is just amazing, and come the end, you just forget the majority of people you've been watching were puppets.This and The Dark Crystal are how all films should be made.

    Do You Remember the 70s, 80s and 90s?

  • #2
    Re: Labyrinth

    I also bought the dvd of this recently, excellent film and not just because i have a thing for Jennifer Connolly!


    • #3
      Re: Labyrinth

      I took an old girl/friend to see this (Labyrinth) when I was about, oooh! 16 and thoroughly enjoyed it. I saw it on dvd last year and bought it to show my children, Emma, 12 and Jamie 3, just for the muppet value. Neither one liked it as they thought it SCARY!!......oh well.......


      • #4
        Re: Labyrinth

        Since when is Labybrinth scary???? Its a great film!
        Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional


        • #5
          Re: Labyrinth

          I have to say the Goblin King scared me when I was younger, David Bowie gave me the creeps and put me on edge
          My kids however love it!

